A few questions on future direction


Hands deep in water
Team RC
Premium Member
Do you see the GHL profilux 3 models supporting mac in the near or distant future?

Do you know if there is any current direction of supporting the Maxspect LED modules? Dimming from them is not an option yet, but is supposed to be within their next upgrade.

The reason I am asking, of course, is that I am starting to shop around for my next aquarium. I like the functionality but it looks like I will need to install Windows on my mac and I'm not sure if my current choice of LED lighting will be supported for dimming.

There is no talk of max spec working with GHL anytime soon however if they make available a 0-10V interface then that changes everything, but before you jump take a look at pacific sun, drop me an email and we can talk about options.

As for MAC you can always cross over software multiple users use it.