A few questions that need answers please :)


New member
I am need to borrow or buy a few parts and was wondering if anyone has these parts to lend out or can direct me where I can buy them;

- 12" long drill extension, this is for drilling through the wall for plumbing, or just any decently long drill extension.

- I need a 2 3/4th" drill bit for my 2" bulkhead. It doesn't have to be diamond bit since I am drilling through acrylic.

- A drill bit that is 1 1/2" for drilling through the inner drywall for plumbing my 1" plumbing to fit through.

I also need to find a few other parts including,

-Mouse pad material for my sequence super dart pump so it doesn't hum. I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Lastly I need to know what plumbing glue to use with spa flex hose glueing to hard pvc?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

for the mousepad material...did you ever think about going to bestbuy and buying a mousepad? just a thought. lol
Publix has drawer liner, its a rubbery material. This also works well, the stuff I bought was originally bought for workbench tools, but its the same stuff. Look in the section that has the kitchen

The stuff I use is black, but this gives you and idea of what I am talking about. I also in places where my CL pipe touches the tank/stand.
As for drilling into acrylic, I think all you need is a regular whole saw as the ones used for wood. I would recommend that you validate this with other. If so, then you can acquire the one you need at Home Depot or Lowes.

Lowes sell an Anti-fatigue mat. You can find in the same isle where they have the rolls of rug runners. It is usually a gray or black color.

I use it under all of my externally plumbed pumps and even under my sump to help level it off.

Raising your pumps up a little is always a good idea incase there ever is any water on the flow of your stand...

Raising your pumps may be nescessary also to match up to the hieght of your bulkhead. I had to raise my pumps a whole inch. I used 1" foam to raise it.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!!;
Thanks for all the help everyone.

I picked up a mouse pad from officemax for $3,

I have regular pvc glue which I will use for the spaflex, thanks for the tip.

I have yet to find a drill extension that will fit into my drill, most of them are huge industrial extensions that will only fit into the hard core drills.

I still need the 2 bits, guess I might have to drop the money and buy them.

Thanks again for all the help,


Are you sure you need a 2 3/4" hole saw? If so, then you should easily find the hole saw at one of the big hardware stores (Sears, Lowes, Home Depot, etc...).

Below is a link with a pic of what I am talking about.

The same in the link above is for a 2 1/2" inch hole, but it should give you an idea of what I'm talking about. These type of tools fit sstandard drils. I use them also to cut holes in the canopy and/or stand for fans.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!!;
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Thanks for all the help everyone. I have everything but a 2 3/4th" hole saw. If anyone has one lying around I could use please let me know.

Thanks again,
