A few questions


Paid Reef Geek
Hey Roger,
Just placed an order with you a this past week to replace some aging equipment. Love the stuff.

Couple of questions.
On my older 6055, the impellar shaft snapped off at the impellar base... would I be able to pull out the other piece of shaft, install a new shaft and impellar?

Also, with the nano wavebox and a brand new 7092 wave controller, I am only able to run the pump at 12v or the wave controller starts blinking erratically. If I run the wavebox for about 20 minutes, the new power supply I purchased gets almost too hot to handle... so I have reluctantly unplugged everything until I hear from you.

I do have a brand new 6105 to install to go along with an OLD 6201 on a 7095 to keep me going until then. thank you as always and will be in touch!
- Andy B
Indianapolis, IN
Hi Andy,

For the 6055, you would need a new motor block, it would be very difficult to extract the old shaft and not damage the socket it sits in beyond where a replacement would seat tightly.

For the wavebox, is it a 6206 or a 6208. Something is happening that causes the pump to use near 30W and so the power supply is cycling on and off as that is its safety limit, at lower voltage you stay below this threshold. The most common cause would be just a dirty pump, jammed with some calcium, usually where the prop spins on the shaft.