Hi folks,
I normally post this stuff in the "New to hobby" thread, but often I do not get answers to stuff. I am new to a big tank, with some good experience with my 55G. But what I am finding is everything on a big tank requires much more planning and patience, and the pain of a screw up is much more intense and expensive, so I do not want to screw it up :mixed:, hence me asking here....
1) What do you guys use to keep your acrylic tanks clean magnet wise? I want to make this simple and easy for me, and the wife when I am on the road. I have the Kent ABS scraper, and the Kent long pad, but I am thinking one of those magnet type deals like the flipper I got for my 55G, but I am open. What do you use to clean the outside? I realize even a grain of sand can scratch.
2) I have new sand, and some cultured rock, and some dead rock. I added on bag of CaribSea live sand to the dry/new Caribsea special reef grade. How much seed sand do I need? In my 55G, I added all live sand, so I did it differently. Do I need to get anything special? I have some BIO-Spira for my QT tanks, should I consider adding this? Should I add more live sand? Is there any "critter kits" I should get to get off to a jump start?
3) When should I add critters to this size tank, and would I do well to put in invertebrates first? I have always heard that invertebrates never carry stuff like ick, but do you recommend a dip, or is it OK to just put them in (realizing ditch the LFS water). I can add fish after the ammonia/nitrite cycle in about 4-6 weeks if I understand correctly? I also have heard it is good to put a fish in after a few weeks.
4) What reef testing system do you use for calcium, mag, etc.?
5) I have some live rock available from my 55G. I plan on ditching the sand. I am wary of the live rock because the tank got overcrowded, and there was a week of poor maintenance, and some buggers set in. Not sure if ick, or another bacterial infection. The fish, some of which were native, some that came from the 250G at my buds house are going to cycle through QT and copper, so I am good there. Things are better now and I think they are healthy enough to take the copper. What about the rock? I am wary that I will get contamination of any ick that would be in the dormant phase. So, I was going to put the rock in my culture tank for 4-6 weeks to make sure there was ick cycles with no hosts. Is this making sense? I would then disinfect the culture tank.
6) Same as above regarding the invertebrates in the 55G.... banded corals, emeralds, sally lightfoot, serpent star, snails, hermits, and a Spanish mini-lobster. How do I insure no goop would be stuck on them?
Regarding 5 and 6, the one thought I also had was moving the fish from the 55G to the QTs as planned. Then leaving the rock and invertebrates in the 55G for 4-6 weeks. That might have the same effect with no hosts?
I normally post this stuff in the "New to hobby" thread, but often I do not get answers to stuff. I am new to a big tank, with some good experience with my 55G. But what I am finding is everything on a big tank requires much more planning and patience, and the pain of a screw up is much more intense and expensive, so I do not want to screw it up :mixed:, hence me asking here....
1) What do you guys use to keep your acrylic tanks clean magnet wise? I want to make this simple and easy for me, and the wife when I am on the road. I have the Kent ABS scraper, and the Kent long pad, but I am thinking one of those magnet type deals like the flipper I got for my 55G, but I am open. What do you use to clean the outside? I realize even a grain of sand can scratch.
2) I have new sand, and some cultured rock, and some dead rock. I added on bag of CaribSea live sand to the dry/new Caribsea special reef grade. How much seed sand do I need? In my 55G, I added all live sand, so I did it differently. Do I need to get anything special? I have some BIO-Spira for my QT tanks, should I consider adding this? Should I add more live sand? Is there any "critter kits" I should get to get off to a jump start?
3) When should I add critters to this size tank, and would I do well to put in invertebrates first? I have always heard that invertebrates never carry stuff like ick, but do you recommend a dip, or is it OK to just put them in (realizing ditch the LFS water). I can add fish after the ammonia/nitrite cycle in about 4-6 weeks if I understand correctly? I also have heard it is good to put a fish in after a few weeks.
4) What reef testing system do you use for calcium, mag, etc.?
5) I have some live rock available from my 55G. I plan on ditching the sand. I am wary of the live rock because the tank got overcrowded, and there was a week of poor maintenance, and some buggers set in. Not sure if ick, or another bacterial infection. The fish, some of which were native, some that came from the 250G at my buds house are going to cycle through QT and copper, so I am good there. Things are better now and I think they are healthy enough to take the copper. What about the rock? I am wary that I will get contamination of any ick that would be in the dormant phase. So, I was going to put the rock in my culture tank for 4-6 weeks to make sure there was ick cycles with no hosts. Is this making sense? I would then disinfect the culture tank.
6) Same as above regarding the invertebrates in the 55G.... banded corals, emeralds, sally lightfoot, serpent star, snails, hermits, and a Spanish mini-lobster. How do I insure no goop would be stuck on them?
Regarding 5 and 6, the one thought I also had was moving the fish from the 55G to the QTs as planned. Then leaving the rock and invertebrates in the 55G for 4-6 weeks. That might have the same effect with no hosts?