A Golden Reef Tank

What a build! Just discovered this thread.

Socks with sandals?! :eek2:

Socks and sandals and Carhartt britches. Yes, I did it and I refuse to apologize. :) I am about as far from fashionable as a person can get. I guess that's what you get growing up on a midwest farm and then living in California and Washington for years.

Thanks for following Brett.
Just finished the thread. Man, this is going to be amazing!!!

Any thought to what fish will go in this beauty?
I have been making a random list of Anthias, Wrasses, and tangs that catch my eye.

Honestly, with the scope of the backend build, I haven't taken the time to really sort out the list. I'm very comfortable with coral but lack experience with fish. They've always been an afterthought in past tanks. This time, I want to be very deliberate with stocking. So, when the time comes, I'll run my fish list and ideas by a local shop I trust. I'll post it up here as well and you all can give me some direction. Hopefully, we can come up with a good long term plan on what all is truly compatible and what should be added in the right sequence (or at once).

My approach has been to focus on the near term goals while planning and ordering the materials for the next milestone. Fish are so far away, I haven't spent serious time considering that part of the tank. It will be fun to stock this beast, though!
Plumbing is almost done. Hopefully, I be starting on the light rack in a few weeks.

In the mean time, I'm researching alternative ways to bond my rockwork and came across Polygem 307.

I know this isn't a totally new topic, but does anyone have a link to tanks that have successfully used this? I didn't see a lot when I searched here other than references to the potential of using it.

Specifically, which Polygem product can be used? Have any of you used it and successfully not poisoned your tank? Does it need to be coated with anything to seal it to prevent leaching of crud long-term? If so, I'm not interested. I don't want to trust a thin coat of anything to the health of my tank.

Their site claims that the 307 Lite is 100% non toxic. I'm just looking for alternatives to the small sticks of epoxy that I would need to by bulk quantities of which might not hold all that well anyway.

Or, does anyone have tips on creating more open rockwork formations (thinking of Ching Chai's beautiful rockwork). I do have a few sticks of the Epo-Puddy I believe he used on his tank.

I tried the white Portland cement route and I don't like the residue it releases as it cures. I am building the rockwork in the tank. So, I don't want to mess up the glass.

Thanks for any input!
Thanks reefzone.

Plumbing is mostly complete. I'm going to finish up a few things tomorrow and do a major cleaning.

I'll post pictures soon. Light rack will be the next task.

I'm looking back over this thread. Are all of the photobucket pictures blocked for the rest of you? I can't see any of them anymore.
Thanks for the info BigBlue. I've been working 70-80 hrs a week for the last 3 years. I guess I've ignored all of the junk mail from them. So, I've been clueless. My bad. I started the photobucket account years ago. I haven't had time to find another solution.

It's one thing for them to say that they will discontinue 3rd party hosting for future photos. It's another thing for them to say they're going to destroy years of photographic journaling you've already completed based on the agreement you had with them at the time. Hold you hostage and demand $400 to recover past images?

Good news for you BigBlue, you're not too far down the road. So, you'll get to see the tank as it finally gets wet.
Good news for you BigBlue, you're not too far down the road. So, you'll get to see the tank as it finally gets wet.

Yeah, there seems to be a massive uproar. I think that the policy will change pretty quickly. Can't wait to come over and see it!