A Living Room Reef: 90 Gallon Mixed Reef Build

- Birdsnest


- The Millie... It's sad, I'm not really ever seeing PE on this thing anymore. Maybe it happens late at night. But I'm not so sure with our other troubles. But it's alive and kicking for now. Still located really low in the bottom of the tank.

According to DiBeReef, it was knocked face down in the sand one day by something. I believe the same something almost knocked the orange Digi sideways out of it's spot.

Here's some FTS style shots to get a view of the whole picture.

- Right side of tank.

- Left side of tank


It's kind of weird. We had GHA on the left side massively overgrown everything. Then it spread to the right end of the tank. Shortly after it spread, the left end slowly withered and died. But the right tower/arch still has LOTS of GHA left on it. I'm hoping I'm mostly through a cycle or phase for the tank. Here's hoping the same methods we've been using slowly start to catch back up to the cyano and leftover GHA. Slow and steady. It definitely hasn't gone fast, but I'm still usually seeing progress in the right direction.

And if you didn't catch it snuck into that last picture. There's one more new update to surprise you with...
And here is our first NPS coral purchase. This is another DisBeReef "must-have." At least any time she seems them in a store...

- Revive dip.

- All puckered up and wrinkly after the dip and frag plug removal. I about glued my fingers together during this one (pats himself on the back).

- Then it opened up to this by the end of the 1st day.


Since then, I hadn't seen the Sun Polyps open up at all. They stayed puckered all the time. But they did occasionally fill up and get kind of bulbous, even though they were 95% closed.

So I dug around and red online. I found a few tips to train, or trick them into opening up during the day to be fed. Here is what I did and what worked GREAT. I grabbed some progression pics on my first attempt to feed it.

- Step 1: Mix up some Reef Roids in some tank water.
- Step 2: Squirt small amount over closed Sun Polyps.
- Before the first RR-squirt.

About 5-10 minutes later, they are looking like this... So I snapped this picture and gave them another super small teaser squirt of Reef Roids.

And repeat that process every 5-10 minutes until they're open and ready to feed.

Then mix in some mysis or bloodworms with the RR and tank water and target feed.





Well, there are some coral updates for you all and where things are at. I'll continue to try and get some detail shots of the refugium and other parts of the system as I do a little hands on work probably over the next few days.
Thanks to everyone for the responses, etc- much appreciated! I know that today Troub has been home working on the tank all day, and we ordered a bunch of critters and such to restock the refugium and display tank last night (since he'll be home to receive the delivery). I also have an acquaintance who works at a sushi restaurant, and he just told me that he will grab a pound of fish roe cheap for me, which is kinda neat. All in all- things are progressing along quickly now after a long couple of years of wondering what the Future Kimye's saltwater tank would be like (yeah- I agree- the Kimye's need a new name)

and I must say that I am EXTREMELY surprised that Troubadour has not posted our new LPS corals from the weekend up yet since he had the day off of work... he must be getting ready to post a novel: you have been forewarned... :ape:

I should be ashamed of myself for that comment... while I was at work he was busy being wonderful and trying to surprise me with our new fish! We had ordered them over the weekend but I didn't think they'd be in so soon, so he dropped everything and made the hike to the valley hoping to catch them upon arrival so that they wouldn't have to be acclimated at the LFS and then again at our home. Gotta say it was an awesome and unexpected surprise- I'll let him post the pictures.

The new feather duster is a pretty cool little grab (cheap too)... and again Troubadour surprised me by telling me that he had been reading up on them since the last LFS visit when I attempted to purchase one. The LFS guy forewarned us that often the feather heads will pop off when first introduced to a new tank and then re-grow, which I found interesting. Next on my list are the christmas tree worms......
Hey guys, sorry about the late reply....I had to go out of town for my cousin's wedding, for a few days...the tank wasn't very happy with my departure, and between getting things back on track, and work...I've been swamped.

Nice LPS pickups, guys :thumbsup:. I love Sun corals, but with their feeding requirements and my extreme laziness, I haven't been able to keep 'em happy for long. Do you plan on feeding the LPS frags as well, for faster growth? With the additional intake of food in your tank, you may see a rise of cyano, though I hope not :).
Any sneaky purchases troub?

Since he has been neglecting his thread..... I have a quick second to jump on and update you, here is a bag of water that Troub says has copepods in it... :facepalm:


and with that we ordered a few different types of snails and cheeto. He still hasn't posted the mandarin fish pictures from a few weeks ago but I don't have a very good pic with both of them in it so that will still be his 'homework'.

Here's a couple pics of the fish roe ice cubes I made with sushi-grade masago:

Not much else other than that, just getting our mandarins through QT while we keep an eye on the corals that we currently have stocked. We went to visit a few more LFS that we hadn't been to before as they are in the opposite direction of our favorite store so that was a day of looking but no buying. Also we have begun hatching our own brine shrimp and growing some phytoplankton which has all been interesting.

OK- I'll butt out for now... time to leave work and feed the fishies!
Good stuff Dis :thumbsup:

I've never heard of it, but the masago cubes are very interesting, tried feeding them yet? Which fish took to it? Although, if I probably had easy access to the roe, we'd be eating sushi all day :lol:, fish be damned :p.

Ah, so there's 2 mandarins? Small sized? I've only tried them twice, with the small one taking to cyclopeeze, until I did something stupid. The big one lasted for about 2 years, never taking prepared foods, but lived off the pods in a 265G tank.

I'm craving Sushi now :furious: :lol:
Sorry I've been out of contact for awhile. I've just been busy with life, switching between new contracts and companies. Dealing with life mostly and just slowing down a bit to observe and breath while straightening things out.

Before I ramble on throughout the day while I work, here's the latest parameters from when I last tested about a week and a half ago.

Temp: 77.9
SG: 1.026
PH: 8.1
NH3: 0
No2: 0
No3: 5ppm
Alk: 8.5 (salifert)
CA: 460 (salifert)
Mg: 1240 (red sea)

All levels and things were fine here. The 2 Mandy's are still alive and doing their thing. Sometimes I think there is trouble with the male because it's flashing against things a lot, on random occasions. But they're both easily eating BBS that we're continuously hatching and feeding (really easy by the way). And we're wondering if he's just attacking his reflection. Because we've been perfectly stable at 1.009 SG in there the whole time. We're about 3 weeks into QT at hypo for them. I just dosed a treatment of Prazi-Pro a couple days ago. That way I'll be able to do a water change this weekend after some observation time. I'll repeat the Prazi-Pro treatment if I feel it's needed. But so far, they've just been calm and relaxed during the bath. So I think they're doing good and after 5 days, we can do a couple water changes. Then we'll be well on our way to the end of QT and will be close to raising up the SG and transfer to the DT!

Hey guys, sorry about the late reply....I had to go out of town for my cousin's wedding, for a few days...the tank wasn't very happy with my departure, and between getting things back on track, and work...I've been swamped.

Nice LPS pickups, guys. I love Sun corals, but with their feeding requirements and my extreme laziness, I haven't been able to keep 'em happy for long. Do you plan on feeding the LPS frags as well, for faster growth? With the additional intake of food in your tank, you may see a rise of cyano, though I hope not.
- The sun corals have been interesting so far. I think they're doing pretty well. I think we're both curious to see if there is a new head already starting to form. Haven't seen it yet, so I don't know what to look for, but it sure looks like something is happening. :thumbsup: We're testing out a little feeding dome for the sun coral. We've been using a 20oz pop bottle that D.B.R. cut off. We cover the coral with that, then squirt frozen food in. It keeps the cleaner shrimp from prying open the polyps and steeling the food. And also allows us to target feed with less food. Because the feeding cap keeps the food floating in and around the sun coral for the polyps to grab, so it takes lots less to target feed now.

Yes, we have been target feeding the LPS corals as well. They get a mixture of reef roids and whatever frozen/pellet/flake food we're feeding that day, once a week now we squirt some at each LPS. I think we were dramatically over-doing the feeding. So we've made a big conscious effort to dramatically alter our feeding regiment. We've seen a resurgence in cyano again. And the GHA seems to have thinned, but hasn't gone away and still makes my rockwork look pathetic.

In order to combat the algae and general ugliness and possible SPS woes. I've spent some time evaluating different parts of our system. I think we have a massive imbalance right now. I think we kind of ignored the fuge slightly over the beginning of the system and it never fully got going and established as a fuge. So I think by feeding the DT, everything took hold there and is out-competing the fuge. So we're in the final stages of setting up some better lighting for the fuge and are really focusing on getting any algae to move from the DT to the fuge :strooper: So less feedings, more slowly, and more targeted in the DT. And we've taken to feeding the fuge lightly with a pinch of flake food every other day or so. We also added a new round of seeding pods and a new ball of cheato to the fuge recently. We're trying to really set the system up for the mandarins to get released. So along with the pinch of food. We've been dosing live phyto to the fuge 2 or 3 times a week.

All of the above has led to the cyano creeping back in. But really, the cyano isn't that hard to manage and deal with. And it was kind of expected with the NPS and phyto. So I'm ok handling that. It's the GHA that I'm trying to get out of the DT that's my nemesis right now. MOVE TO THE REFUGIUM!!!

Any sneaky purchases troub?
- hey there Fishy1. Nothing really sneaky. We did that last round of updates with the Kryptonite Trumpet Coral, the unknown LPS (while/purple/yellow favia or acan looking type thing) with the sun polyps. That's really about it. Just been watching those things settle in and do good while we try to figure out the SPS and algae stuff.

Unfortunately the Red Planet, Purple w/blue tips, and I'm 99% sure the Millie now have all moved onto a "better place" apparently. :facepalm: However, the Pink Monty Cap and the Birdsnest seem to be showing signs of forgiveness. The Pink Monty is appearing to be the best right now. It's starting to get some color returning throughout the entire piece. The Birdsnest is starting to get some better color returning too. Nothing spectacular, but I'll take not bleached white! The Orange Digi is still hanging in there, but not looking as good as the Pink Cap. But those are our only SPS that are hanging around.


My phone is a bit low on battery today because I forgot my charger. So I can't get the videos I took uploaded right now. But here are the couple pictures I do have access to for the new Mandarin pair.

- The color here is of course a little pale. Either a bad exposure, or it was dull because of stress and shipping. I think this is the male, right after acclimation into the QT.


- A much better shot of the female here just after acclimation. Way better color representation.


Male and Female. Hopefully a pair one day if they both make it through the full run of QT. We requested a small to medium size pair. It looks like we got more of a medium size pair. But I think that will be ok as they'll be the most timid and picky fish in the tank for awhile. The only other fish they'll be hanging with for now are a Juvenile Clowfish pair, YWG, and Orange Firefish.

So far we've been putting mysis, fish eggs, blood worms, and assorted pellets into a little ceramic dish in the corner to see if they'll take to eating out of the dish. I haven't been able to tell if this has worked at all. But when we first started, it seemed like the food would slowly disappear. I'm positive it was not enough to sustain them.

But then we got the Brine Shrimp Dish and have kept a steady supply of Baby Brine Shrimp constantly hatching and getting added to the QT multiple times a day with some RO top-off. We've been seeing pretty consistent feeding response with the BBS. So I know they're getting some food from that.

Good stuff Dis.

I've never heard of it, but the masago cubes are very interesting, tried feeding them yet? Which fish took to it? Although, if I probably had easy access to the roe, we'd be eating sushi all day :lol:, fish be damned :p.

Ah, so there's 2 mandarins? Small sized? I've only tried them twice, with the small one taking to cyclopeeze, until I did something stupid. The big one lasted for about 2 years, never taking prepared foods, but lived off the pods in a 265G tank.

I'm craving Sushi now.

We looked around for different types of fish eggs out here. It was tough to find anything at our typical stores. So when D.B.R. started working with someone who also works at a sushi shop. It was a no brainer to buy a bulk supply of masago (the smallest sushi eggs). D.B.R. did a great job freezing a couple trays of egg cubes with RO water. We filled up our old frozen food container with them and still have TONS left that we froze as a chunk.

I haven't witnessed the Mandy's swallow the eggs personally. But I've seen them suck them into their mouth, roll them around or whatever, and spit it back out. So if they haven't eaten any yet, they keep thinking about it.

But the Clownfish, Orange Firefish, YWG ABSOLUTELY LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the eggs! The clowns try to swim up the turkey baster end and try to attack the eggs through the plastic before I even squirt any out! From everything I've read about the fish eggs being such a highly nutritious food source, I'm definitely going to keep these as part of my feeding routine. I've even seen the cleaner shrimp grab them off the rocks and sand. The only thing I've seen these 4 fish attack as quickly is when we dump in the live BBS.

Oh, I can also say that the fungia plate coral LOVES it some fish eggs. DisBeReef has some good shots of dropping a huge load of fish eggs on the fungia. It promptly folded up and swallows the pile of them!

And here is the last thing we've been up to. Started up a live phyto plankton culture. I still need to set up a 2nd light bulb and a second culture. But it's getting there...



Well, time to get back to my work day. There are a few updates for you. I think we'll run out and browse around some this weekend. Who knows what we will find. For now, it's finish off the QT process, observe the SPS, and try to balance out and establish the fuge. I'm thinking when the Mandarins are ready to be released, it will be time to bulk up the reef a bit more. Unless I find a tastey piece this weekend anyway :inlove:
:eek:Mmmm, orange juice ...... Ack, bleh, what is this! :lmao:

Hahaha. What, this is SOOOOO spoiled!!!! Who put this back in the fridge!? :lol2:

Well, first with the sad news. We lost one of our Mandarins in the QT :-( I haven't had time to closely inspect, but I'm pretty sure it was the male that died. The male had been flashing ever since the end of the first week. I couldn't decide if something was wrong with it or it was just aggression or stress or something. It ate BBS for a bit, but then I never saw it eat much again. The other one, so far is going strong. We've pretty much finished up the QT course on it. They were at hypo, which was rock solid SG with a recently calibrated refractometer. Been treated with Prazi-Pro and we just did a water change. So this weekend, we'll be ready to start bringing up the SG to get ready to transfer the remaining Mandarin.

I've got a few other updates I can share. But here is one from awhile ago now. I was checking out the refugium on morning and came across this. I had zero clue what it was. Now after some further :reading: I'm fairly certain I've identified it as a Stomatella snail. Pretty neat since I never seeded any of these. It must have come in as a pod, hitch-hiking in when I bought some cheato from a place that breeds/sells them.

Super cool to find, AND, something interesting happens about 33 seconds in. I happened to catch it shooting out a little sphere thing from it's tube. Anyone know what it is doing or shoots out?

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/I4-lzXXALsI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'll have to go back and take a look at what pictures I've put up lately. I've got tons I've taken. I'm just not sure what I've been sharing. So maybe if I get some time this afternoon I'll toss a few shots of updates on here with the couple new things. . . Have a good weekend if I don't get back here later! :beer:
One of the more unfortunate design decisions made with snails is that the location of the pooper is right up there next to the mouth. :hmm1:

I used to have a lot of these snails but lately I haven't see any. Hopefully they are still there and will transfer to my new tank, but I suspect my thin stripe hermits might have found them tasty.
One of the more unfortunate design decisions made with snails is that the location of the pooper is right up there next to the mouth.

I used to have a lot of these snails but lately I haven't see any. Hopefully they are still there and will transfer to my new tank, but I suspect my thin stripe hermits might have found them tasty.

Hahahah. And now I know... :cool:

So we've been finding LOTS of eggs stuck to the glass lately. I think it was the addition of new snails. They hit the water and said "we've gone to snail heaven, there's so much algea!!!" ... reproduce, reproduce, reproduce... LOL. We will see if anything makes it to adulthood. But there have been these eggs popping up every so often.

The Nerites have also been busy laying WAY more eggs. But I think I've read that they don't reproduce as well because of an extended larval stage where they get predated on. But who knows. With the fuge, things could find a safe haven. I can always transfer some snails from the fuge back to the DT if that's where they reproduce and survive.

Sun Polyps at night... "FEED ME, SEYMORE. FEED ME"

A different time waiting for another feeding session during daylight hours now.

I've noticed the Sun Polyps open up almost any time I feed Reef Roids to the DT, any time I dose Phyto to the Refugium and let it circulate over night, or pretty much any time I squirt it with tank water that had food soaking in it. So far pretty easy to open up and take care of with a quick target feed. Keeping the cleaner shrimps off it so they don't pry out the food is the bigger trick. A cut off 20 oz pop bottle does well as a feeding dome right now.

And here are just some general updates on things. I don't color correct these photos. I typically just use the camera functions to match the color and look in person as best I can when I take the shot. I don't usually share if the colors are way off. But of course night shots and FTS can be tough with a phone camera to control the color and white balance. So the colors are close, but the exposure is a bit rough. Sorry...


RHTS (Right Half Tank Shot)



We also added a new addition to our live stock recently. Here it is in the bottom of a 1 gallon pitcher during acclimation.

A little closer up...

and finally exploring it's new home.


The Fire Shrimp molted after about 1 or 2 nights in the tank too. So I haven't seen a hint of it other then a couple wiskers moving in caves of the rockwork for the last week now. But it's definitely hiding in there and still alive. Although the molt almost fooled DisBeReef :-)

Maybe I'll get around to the rest of the updates this weekend. We will see. I'm out of time and picture space on this post for now. . .
Tank is looking better! The goal is to keep building the critter population in the sand and the rocks. My tanks went through stages of the uglies for months and months and then after almost a year finally settled down. Seems to me like you're getting there and each day should ever so slowly improve things.
I can't believe you got a blood shrimp Troub.............. you know how much i want one you bastard....... $175-$200 here, tell me what you paid for the one you got to rub in my face.
Were you in on this 'lets stick it to biggles' and get the shrimp he wants mrs Troub ? Yeah you were i can tell, you probably came up with the idea and made my good mate Troub do it !

Day off today and i was going to just bludge around the house all day - i am now going to Reeflections to buy a fish or acro or some bloody thing so i don't feel so bad about NOT having a blood shrimp.

Still can't believe you let your mrs bully you into doing something so nasty Troub.......... :(
Hey Biggles I know what it's like with the shrimp prices in Oz, the lfs had cleaner shrimp for 160 a few weeks ago!!. But theres no way I'm spending that on a shrimp:eek1:

Hey troub I'll catch up on what has been going on later today when I have the laptop out.
Shrimp are ridiculously expensive in Aus Fishy :(

Troub's - you owe me $243- which is what i dropped on acros at the LFS thanks to your blood shrimp stunt...............
Shrimp are ridiculously expensive in Aus Fishy :(

Troub's - you owe me $243- which is what i dropped on acros at the LFS thanks to your blood shrimp stunt...............

Yes they are and it sucks....troub what did you pay for that shrimp? If it's under 100 bucks then I'm getting on a plane and coming over there to give you some words of "wisdom" and I'm sure Biggles will come with me.
Tank is looking better! The goal is to keep building the critter population in the sand and the rocks. My tanks went through stages of the uglies for months and months and then after almost a year finally settled down. Seems to me like you're getting there and each day should ever so slowly improve things.
Thanks Mark. I'm glad to hear it's looking better to some people :thumbsup: We did a water change over last weekend which always seems to make things pop for a bit. If it doesn't tick them off and make them look worse at least. We swapped just shy of 30 gallons out.

That's definitely the process right now. Trying to boost the sand bed and rock critter population is definitely what we're trying to accomplish. That is why I added in dosing live phyto recently and cut back my fish feedings. The hope is that it will drastically improve the micro-fauna in the system and allow my sand beds and fuge to start to be really productive in both the nutrient export and food for the upcoming Mandarin addition. We will see.

But always glad to hear that people can see it moving in the right direction! :bounce3: And hopefully we move past this ugliness phase soon. It will be a year for the system come the end of August. So, hopefully, things really start looking better soon as we move along and the tank matures more.

I can't believe you got a blood shrimp Troub.............. you know how much i want one you bastard....... $175-$200 here, tell me what you paid for the one you got to rub in my face.
Were you in on this 'lets stick it to biggles' and get the shrimp he wants mrs Troub ? Yeah you were i can tell, you probably came up with the idea and made my good mate Troub do it !

Day off today and i was going to just bludge around the house all day - i am now going to Reeflections to buy a fish or acro or some bloody thing so i don't feel so bad about NOT having a blood shrimp.

Still can't believe you let your mrs bully you into doing something so nasty Troub..........
Hahaha. Sorry for rubbing this one in your face :lol: But it was actually my idea on this one! We've got our version of Potato head in there already. And that sucker LOVES to molt. I've lost count how many times that thing has tried to fool us with a decoy empty shell.

The Fire Shrimp freaked us out the first week with a molt as well. But it's still alive and kicking for now. The fire shrimp is more shy then the Skunk, that's for sure. But I saw it show up last night after I fed a few pellets. It popped out to say hello.

Also interesting to note that our YWG and pistol shrimp seem to be on better terms. We've occasionally witnessed the YWG hanging out letting the pistol crawl around him near the shrimps den on the right side of the tank. For whatever reason, at night the YWG returns to it's typical hangout spot. But last night after feeding around lights out. We noticed the YWG hanging with his tail down into the pistols den. Then sure enough, the little pistol came out further then we typically ever see it and explored for food while the goby hung out. So some interesting things happening with our other shrimp as well. :dance:

Shrimp are ridiculously expensive in Aus Fishy
Troub's - you owe me $243- which is what i dropped on acros at the LFS thanks to your blood shrimp stunt...............

Yes they are and it sucks....troub what did you pay for that shrimp? If it's under 100 bucks then I'm getting on a plane and coming over there to give you some words of "wisdom" and I'm sure Biggles will come with me.
- Wow everybody. I'm really sorry for causing such a stink over this Fire Shrimp :wildone: At least I know one way to stock up for battle :strooper:

Ok... are you ready for the BIG reveal.?.?.? I have to admit, I kind of blew my budget on this purchase as well. We got the few things I'll share shortly and I added in the Fire Shrimp which cost an extra $27.

And get this. When I asked the LFS clerk what the fire shrimps cost. He responded "fire shrimp, oh, they're expensive. Like $25-$30 bucks." I think the two of you need to come let him know what an expensive shrimp really is! LOL Oh, and fyi... Skunk cleaners are about 1/2 that cost depending on where you go. :ape:


So beyond that. We did the 30 gallon water change (just shy of that, 32 gallon barrel not quite full) with water at 1.026. How much would you estimate we have in our system? 90 gallon DT with a 1.25-3 inch sand bed, 75 gallon Fuge with 4-4.5 inch DSB, about 140 punds of rock (give or take), and an ecosystem pro sump (I'm guessing about 30 or so gallons?) I've been trying to figure out how often we need to be doing water changes really. We were thinking we'd use the 32 gallon barrel to do changes every 3rd week.

I checked our levels before the water change...
SG = 1.026
Temp = 79.8
PH = 8.1
NH3 = 0
No2 = 0
N03 = 10-15
Alk = 7.0
Ca = 435
Mg = 1080

I was a little annoyed that the Alk and Mg tested that low. It's still bouncing around slightly. But it at least is bouncing slowly back and forth AND the swing room is growing smaller. We slowly went from bouncing around near low 6's up to mid-upper 7's and were able to hold that shortly. Then it creeped up to 8.5. So I no longer mixed 3/4 tbsp of pickling lime per gallon, I only mixed 1/4 tbsp per gallon of ATO this time. This was all done via Kalk in the ATO, so it happened over a 2-3 week period as we used the ATO.

Consequently most things aren't bad, but certain things aren't great either. And some are slowly going to the way of the dodo... :mad2:

So here goes another round of trying to get the Alk to level off between 7.5 and low 8's.

In general, all the LPS are fine except for the candy-cane trumpet. That thing will be lucky to survive and pull through the algae infestation that is plaguing the rockwork.

The mushrooms are good except for the one Ric that has slowly bleached and shrunk ever since we introduced it no matter where we put it. We tried it right next to the other shrooms that are having good success. But it slowly started to bleach. So we moved it around that rock to where it was drastically more shaded by an overhang thinking it needed less light but it continued to bleach and not recover for another 3-4 weeks now. So I'm stymied on the orange colored Rics. I think we're now 0-2 on Rics with orange in them. But the Purple/yellow Yuma Ric and Red Jawbreaker we have are doing great on their rock. We decided to move the unhappy orange to a different spot and slowly expose it to more light to see if there are any improvements or a sudden melting.

SPS in general = failing ... slowly... but failing in general. I'm wondering if the previous damage to them is irreparable and they are slowly struggling and fighting just to hold on. We definitely have sent the Purple/blue-tipped, red planet, and millie to the graveyard in the fuge :angryfire: The pink monty-cap, birdsnets, and orange-digi still are hanging around. Although they're mostly ghostly white with some pale skin hanging around and some color in the polyps.

So my lunch is about done. I'm going to break for a moment and I'll toss up a quick barage of other recent things that came along with the fire shrimp.

Ok, here are the rest of the pick-ups we got during the now infamous fire shrimp trip.

We grabbed this piece on the trip. I was worried about it because the fragging kind of cut the polyps just barely to one side of the mouth. So each of the 3 polyps technically were "damaged." However at the store, all of them were opened up and had great extension. So since the price was low for the 3 polyps, we decided to give it a shot since our other LPS and other blasto is doing ok.

You can kind of see the poor cut on the frag in the above shot. I give props to the LFS salesman. He did point it out the odd cut. But we both discussed it and decided the piece looked healthy with new growth on all 3 polyps. So we decided to give it a shot and fill in another spot or two.

Here it is settling into it's new place and starting to open up.


And here is the pink and orange acan polyp we snagged for a good price. A good find in their cheap "beginners" section.

And I will say. The acan DID NOT like getting dipped in the Revive bath. I had it in there for about 1/3, or less of the time as any other coral I've done. It had curled up on itself, opened up it's mouth, and just looked extremely unhappy. So I promptly removed it from the bath and let it relax in some tank water while I got ready to attach it to some rock.

A couple close-ups as it settles in.

This thing was definitely slimey for the first hour or two in the tank! Although it seems to have relaxed into it's spot now I think.


And our final addition. Do to the poor appearance of our SPS. I am doing my absolute best to hold off on any more there. But I was bothered that we had no way to judge whether or not things were getting any better.

Since the birdsnest and monty-cap were doing the best. We picked up a new neon-green polyped Seri frag. Hopefully, since the original Seri did ok. I thought this would be a safe pick-up to see if things have gotten better.



So far, this birdsnest has done ok. It's on the right end of the tank about 2/3s of the way down. The pictures don't show the polyp extension we are getting or color on it very well. But it's more or less a creamy base with a reddish hue on the skin. Then the polyps are kind of reddish/brown stalks with neon-green tips right now.

I'm just really hoping that we can maintain this piece. If this thing stays healthy, just maybe we have a chance of the Monty's and other Seri recovering.

I guess time will tell on that front. I sure hope I'm doing something right here. I'm ready for some tank-awesomeness... so that can go ahead and happen any time soon. :smokin:
Troub, from what I understand, bird nests are not the easiest SPS to maintain. maybe Biggles can recommend some. But maybe not after the $27 fire shrimp
