a long time coming


Premium Member
Well it's been a long road and still havn't completed the journey. Will it ever be complete?:) The tanks been running now for 0ne month and knock on wood all is well. It's definetely not the tank of old which is a little hard for me to handle. I'm hoping though as long as nothing major happens it should look descent in a year. The colors have been slowly returning. I've added only a couple fish so far and one clam and 2 Acan colonies. Everything else is from the 120.

The new tank is 400gal with a 200 sump. Pretty much everything is diy on this system including the tank and sump. SO I've been real busy and am so glad to have it running and will enjoy taking the summer off before tackling a few more projects which include finishing the sittingroom. Here is how it looks so far. It's got a way's to go but it's a start.
Full tank shot

From the top

Behind the scene

Well what thread would be complete without some color?



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Looks like it's off to a great start. Can you go over the plumbing a little more? that behind the scenes shot has me curious.
druluv-Thank you

Joe, Thanks I guess it's off to a descent start seeing I had a descent amount of stock. As impatient of a person I am I can't beleive I picked this hobby. :rolleyes:
I ended up using a sequence pump for a return which is a seq6400 I don't beleive they make this pump any longer. I ran a manifold over the front of the tank which I then hooked up to 5 seaswirls. That is the only plumbed curculation. I also have a couple tunze streams. Anyways the water then goes over the overflow which is a biult in full lenght design that has 4 2"dursos that run into a 3" manifold then into the sump. I hope the pics help explain better them me. :)


Had to add a fun shot:)
Really nice setup. It's amazing how much of that tank you can already fill ... impressive out of a 120.

Amazing setup, really well done. Going to enjoy watching it grow, if just from afar :)
Nice...is it a wood/fiberglass tank? What did you decide to do for filtration? More pics please...

Looks great!

one question for you...

did you use anything to aid in your aquascaping? it looks great! any PVC rack or zip ties or expoxy?

also how much rock is in there?

i am guessing this is acrylic too right? what thickness?


Very very very nice:D

It allready looks great and if your old tank is any clue as to what this one will look like it will be stunning.

Congrats on getting all that work done:)
Sweet tank!!! :thumbsup:

How do you like that overflow without the teeth? Are you always fishing something out of the overflows? We're looking into a future tank with the same style overflow so would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Great looking tank!!! :D

How do you keep the fish from going over into the overflow??
Christy, Yup the mask and snorkel are on in that shot. To be honest there becoming a favorite tool in this tank.:cool:

Sean, you know I have no idea what it's rated for but I'm sure it's more then I could give it;) Probably double what I'm sending threw it now. You'd need a pretty big sump to handle that. What I like about it is it allows for more options down the road. My buddy did the same overflow design and has already turned two bulkheads into Oceanmotion lines.

Mark, Thanks Man.... from a far is the far cheaper option.;)

Art, Thanks Both the tank and sump are plywood and epoxy tanks.

delv, You got it ply/epoxy it is. Right now I have a temp skimmer running and in the next month will design a new one. Thats pretty much it. I like simple;)

paulpp187 Thank you The tank was biult with plywood and then coated in epoxy resins and fiberglass.

Nick I used both pvc and sap straps Theres about 260lbs of rock The front pane is starfire glass Two pieces of 3/8 laminated together.

fishdoc11 Thanks now only if it was truely done. :)

Ereefic, I really like the overflow, The snails and what have you have free rome of the overflow so far one fish went over but not a biggy as it's large enough to house a few fish . :)

Typhon It really hasn't been a problem yet. My other tank was the same design as far as not having teeth and it wasn't a problem either.