a long time coming

Very nice Jamie! Your old tank was one of my favorites so I am glad to see this one off to a great start! I also love the Sea Swirl bank that is adjustable on each unit!!

Thanks alot guys, I really apreciate the kind words from you all. This project was a dream project for me and truely a great feeling once water hit the insides.
WOW!!!! Maybe I missed it, but what are the dimensions of the tank?? Also, what kind of framing did you put around the plywood?? I've never DIY'd a tank....yet. I'm just not that familiar with the method. It looks from the pictures like the sides are relatively thick, but maybe euro-bracing?? I'm very curious.
Also, how much epoxy resin paint did you use in all?? Thanks.
Thanks for the picture and description. it helped a lot.

BTW how deep is the sand in the tank now?
Wow you guys are gonna make me sit down and do a step by step thread on the biuld up of this tank.:eek: I'll have to sit down and find the time to do it. I guess I'll need to clean up my webspace too.

I'm sure the mods are cringing on this thread. Sorry guys but the sps forum is my home:bum:

AQUAN8TOR, The tank is 96x32x31 which is about 412gal. It's euro bracing that you see, does kinda look like a thick wall on that one pic eh ! I used almost 5gal on the whole project including the sump.

Joe, I went with only about 75lbs of sand. So just up front mostly.The rock structure was designed so I can take a stream by hand and blow out any sand/ditritus tha has collected under the rock work. IN time I'll add more streams to help aid in this. For now I'm doing it manually.

paulpp187,have fun :cool:
haahhahah i got to get a bigger house my 250 already takes up enough room i will be looking into a bigger home after i get married ( 9 more days)
hey jamie! how did the move go? i hope you didn't lose any of those babies in the process. either way, lookin good bro
OCDP Thanks eh!! ;)

Mike, The move went well. Though I'm glad I'm not susceptible to RTN cause I would have been in huge trouble. Talk about STRESS!!!!! :P
The corals seem fine. Todate no losses, now lets just hope I can say that for a long long time. Hey return that PM with some pics :)
tank looks amazing, ive always admired your tank in the past and this one looks just as great, im looking forward to seeing it as it progresses, it is a great looking setup i can tell you went all out on this new project. congrats on the new tank and good luck with it in the future, it looks amazing :thumbsup:

Great Job! I like the plywood and epoxy idea much better than the DIY Concrete Tank I was working towards. (much easier to remove plywood!)

Awesome set-up!

Ah Thanks again guys. :)
Here's some more pics.

This is the ro/di line coming into the room. I wanted something clean looking with some strength. I came up with this. I just drilled out the center plastic and the ro line fit nice and snug.

Here is the tank before any epoxy was applied.

Some of the shelving and sink before complete


Did you have much die off or a cycle since you left your rock in the air? i assume you used rocks for your old system?

i am asking because in about 2 months i have to transfer everything from my 180 to my new 275.... and i want to aquascape it without water in the tank but am afraid of a cycle since the rock will be in the air for a good hour and then i have to add corals and fish the same day to the new 275... so i think i may have to do it with water in the tank....

also how did you attach the glass to the plywood?

