A new tank mate!


New member
Just picked him or her up today. The clowns as well as the cleaner shrimp is getting use to the no0bie.


Its a long nose hawk fish. :D


Look at whats in the not too distant back!


Someones creeping...


Finally!!! Its cleaning the fish, the clowns are afride of the shrimp... tank raised clowns, what can I say.

Few more fishes and I'll be a happy camper. ;)
Eric, That is a great fish choice, full of personality and among the "safest" hawks too. He is one of my all time favorites, Good luck with him!
Yeah, I was very hesitant towards getting it because of its reputation of eating shrimp. Its bigger then my clowns I have, but it still looks nice!
How's he doing? I wanted to get it, but were afraid it'd eating my shrimp. Where do you get it?

So far its been good. It hasn't tooken a bite at my shrimp yet. Sooo I am happy for now. Eats a lot of mysis shrimp. lol

I got it at Fishes of Eden.
I will be there around 4:30 and won't leave until they kick me out. :) See you there. You'd be driving the Civic?