a newbie plumbing my 180g

reefer Rob

New member
I have read many posts pertaining to plumbing a 180g ( I have alredy bought the ASM G-3 skimmer), but it is all so confusing i guess cuz i haven't actually seen the mechanics of one that is set up so I have many questions like:

1. size of sump, i figured I can get a 39x14x14 sump under the stand? Is that big enough

2. size of return pump and overflows needed?

3. best way to plumb the retrun to maximize water movement?

4. closed loop the way to go? or is that fro drilled tanks or either

My tank is not drilled and I don't plan on a refugium right away, for now I just want to get something to get the skimmer going and have room for a heater and the return pump.

I would like some links to pics, diagrams etc of your 180 or similar setups, pros and cons of equipment, systems

Any help is appreciated!

Look at my www and go to the equipment page. My plumbing goes from the pump and splits to the two returns (one in each overflow). That sump should be fine.

How is your tank built (where are the overflow/s, do you have return plumbing, etc)
If you can get the tank drilled you well thank yourself letter. Watching a u-tube overflow and wounder if and WHEN it well fail is not fun. The max return pump for a twin tube overflow is 1200gph.
let's start at the beginning, the sump must .... MUST... hold the over flow from the tank in the event of an equipment failure. length times width in inches divoided by 231 equalls US gallons. If your return pump fails, can the sump handle it?

size of return pump, boy, you need some help from your local reefers use the search function and good luck