A semi-decent deal on IO


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Premium Member
With all the price increases on salt, it’s kind of hard to find a that fantastic deal of yesteryear but I did find a semi-decent deal on IO on Chewy.

They have the 160 gallon buckets on sale for $51.50, plus an extra 20% automatically applied at checkout (up to 5 buckets) plus $20 off $49 or more with GIFT20OFF brings it in to just under $200 for 5 buckets. Not the screaming deal of the century but still halfway decent.

You can save an additional 5% with auto ship

It looks like the same discounts apply to Reef Crystals but RC is more expensive.

Pretty decent deal. I usually just pick it up from my local Petco and have them match their online price for $51.50 a bucket. They've had this, "sale" price going on for several months now.
Lol I didn’t order 5, I was just trying to see how much it would be as I know several guys stockpile salt like some people stockpile guns and ammo.

I still have 2.5 buckets from my last order which will last me likely and other year or two (at which point salt will be on sale for $100 per bucket lol
FYI, looks like we don't even need to add the promo code. It automatically took off 20% at checkout. Just ordered a 200g box.
I think I might be good on salt for a while. Granted, the bottom bucket is empty and the top one is only 1/2 full but still.


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