A suggestion by Beaslbob

Tomoko Schum

New member
Here's the suggestion:

Wouldn't it be nice of a narcer's room made this:

HGTV's television program "Man Land" is looking for "ultimate aquarium rooms" to showcase on one of their upcoming episodes.

If anyone wants to get on TV, here's the contact info:
Ronda Berkeley
LMNO Productions

From this thread:


I was thinking of lori's 1200g room.

What you think?

Bob Beasley

Ps yes I do realize she (and they) would have to agree. ;)


8Ball's fishroom is also a great one to recommend although much smaller in scale :)

Two great fishrooms from NARC!

I haven't got a chance to see lori's fish room but 8balls is on target. That what I would like mine to look like, although sump room is in a closet and my wife would pull her hair out it I took it over completely.
Tell your wifey that the closet is no good for anything else. Consider the humidity and salt spray :eek2: Can't be good for anything else ;)

Yea I don't think she would agree, "hey Christina your clothes are going to get ruined in here" - "then take out your TANK !!!". lol she didnt really say that but I could see it. Anyway I am down Florida at the beach and doing some snorkeling, not much to see because there is quite a lot of people down here so the sand is getting stirred up quite a bit but I did manage to find an anemone and a foot long puffer that was really cool to watch. I was hoping to see it puff up but when I got close it just raised his spines then swam off. Ohwell, hope it will clear up more the next time down.
LOL thanks for the compliments, But although I love my setup I'm sure its not worthy of a tv show called ultimate aquarium rooms. Not to mention all my little extra's don't mean much to non reefers ;)

But I'm sure dual 600s would have a pretty big wow Factor to pretty much anyone!

Ha Ha thanks Will - but I think they should highlight that huge one in the guys basement that has a wet bar. I forget where the thread is, but now THAT was awesome.