Aaron's 10 gallon reef


New member
Hi guys Ive stared my tank at November and added corals and fishes at December last year. Im also a noob that time so forgive my crappy photo and coral arrangements. The tank was stocked with a pair of clarkii clowns that they sold to me as ocellaris :/


So the tank went well and Ive rearranged the corals too especially when I saw the stingers. After a few weeks some diatoms stared showing and its been great. However I've added a yellowtail damsel that became so aggressive it killed my two juvie clarkii clowns. The damsel died after a few weeks due to itch. My corals were still alive that time but 2 of my long tentacle plates suddenly had brown jelly. I removed them immediately because I have sensitive wall hammers. I was only down to one long tentacle plate and some hammers, torch and bubble corals.

I researched again and Bought a true percula clown. It was so cute and hyper. It was the only fish that time and a little pistol shrimp which I added. Ive also bought some octospawn and they are so pretty. I haven't taken a full tank shot but I've managed to take a shot of my corals.

Here is my happy octospawn:

My wall hammers that are doing well

My pretty torch and my hyper clown

My single surviving tentacle plate

I haven't took a pic of my bubble coral lol but its still alive as well during this time.

Then I Bought a black clown. The seller said its black ocellaris. Turns out its saddlebacj :/ since then Ive never buy fishes on that LFS they always mislead people. The two became a pair however and the saddleback assumed the female form. It became larger and aggressive. The two had been doing the dance where the male one shakes to submit at the female. Ive also added a hi fin goby that paired with my pistol. The pair went to the back so I never had a pic of my goby pistol pair.

At the end of January things are getting stable. My diatoms are slowly fading and Ive bought this beautiful green coral and some nasty galaxea that killed two heads from my torch before moving it again in an isolated rockwork. My purple coralline is slowly regrowing over my livestock and green coralline is starting to show on the glass. I was really happy. Ive also had a small red wrasse that stayed in my tank for 3-4 weeks because I nursed it back to health before it had to go to my friend's larger setup.

Pic of my pretty green coral

And here is my newly added torch

My bubble coral before it died (my pistol buried it rubble and small live rocks and sand)

So everything is going well except the bubble killed my tentacle plate by stinging it. The bubble died too because of my pistol buried it. I was ready to post my full tank shot with no diatoms, with bits of green coralline. And then the incident occurred.

I don't want to elaborate the incident but you can see it in this thread:

So now I'm back to square one and my tank is undergoing a mini cycle. Last night I checked my tank and my levels are kinda fine. I had some diatom blooms again and the green coralline algae died. Some purple managed to survive but most are dead. A few specks of green coralline are still alive.

Today I'll pick one ocellaris clown and a firefish as my initial fish stocking. I'll also add some snails since the entire tank got wiped out. I'll post pics tomorrow of my FTS even though I had a minor diatom bloom.

I hope this tank will go well soon!
Your octospawn is nice, but your Hammers are Amazing. I like the way the two fit together. I'm going to look for a different wall hammer from the one that I've got and get the meshing two different colors. That looks so cool!
Can I ask how you're filtering and lighting the tank? From my experience, nano tanks are very difficult to keep stable. You may want to start with something that has more volume so as to keep your parameters balanced properly.
Your octospawn is nice, but your Hammers are Amazing. I like the way the two fit together. I'm going to look for a different wall hammer from the one that I've got and get the meshing two different colors. That looks so cool!
Thanks! I love my wall hammers very much and they love feeding too. At night, I spot feed them twice a month with crushed pellets. Helps them to be much better.

Sadly all of my corals died so I'm now in a mini cycle due to my tank crash.
Can I ask how you're filtering and lighting the tank? From my experience, nano tanks are very difficult to keep stable. You may want to start with something that has more volume so as to keep your parameters balanced properly.

I'm using an overhead filter with foam. Its a very wonderfuk nitrate factory so I had to clean the media every week. My nitrates were slightly high but everything is fine.

My light is led, made for nano reefs. I can tell its very bright since some of my bubbles started bleaching when exposed to light so I place them in a shaded part.

The tank crashed and is now undergoing a mini cycle. I hope this will turn out great too.

I do a weekly 50% water change and I added some supplement since I have a lot of LPS.
After the crash the tank had a mini cycle and now I've added some fishes. My stocking is an ocellaris, firefish and pajama cardinal. The firefish is a pig, eats and darts fast during feeding time, same with my pajama. My clown is very gentle and timid, not like a clown at all. It hosted the powerhead and every night will sleep on it.

Here is the FTS. The mushrooms came together with some new lr same with the zoas. The tank isn't coral ready yet hope that they'll make it!

Here is my pajama so timid but very fast during feeding time

Here is my firefish, named him fuego which is fire in Spanish

I'll add some corals soon! My diatoms are starting to show up now hahaha xD
Sorry for the long lost updates but here is the recent FTS :)


Corals: elegance coral, frogspawn (not opening yet in the pic), torch coral and cabbage coral. Transferred my zoas and other softies in a small container for awhile :)

Fishes: ocellaris clown and pajama cardinal

CUC: 3 turbo snails

Other inhabitants: added 3 small brittle stars and I've got tons of small pods in the tank

Tank had many changes after those months. It finally stabilizerd itself and everything is going fine :)
I modded a 1 gal refugium that keeps my nitrates and phosphates in control. My tank is really much better and everything is happily thriving :)
A couple more pics :)
The sole inhabitant of the tank now is a small yellow clown goby, I named gumdrop. The other fishes were already adopted in larger systems. I love this goby, always hanging at my clove polyps :)))
