hi i am new to this site but thought id share this specification with you all 5 month old 72x27x22 tank with two 150 w 14000k metal halides backed up by a twin 55w t5 with aqua medic actinics will soon have another twin 55w with 12000k daylight tubes. tank contains over 100kg of ocean rock and around 25kg of live rock which is being added to all the time main return from sump is via an ocean runner 3500 through a home made spraybar the tank also contains a closed loop system which is fed friom its own sump via a pentair quiet 1 6000. water leaves the tank by the back drilled for two outlets one skims surface water the other takes water from low down in the tank one outlet goes to the main sump into a wet/dry trickle tower this first chamber also contains the skimmer a berlin 250 which is on a timer 00:00 till 07:00 am the water then overflows into the refugium containing a dsb and chaeto this is lit 24/7 by a 36w single t5 daylight blue the water then flows to a settlement chamber to eradicate any bubbles then it flows into a final chamber for return to the main tank. the second outlet is to the other smaller sump via another aqua medic trickle tower for direct return to the closed loop this smaller sump is still under development i will post up new additions as they occur .there will be further additions to the system ie calcium reactor anyhow thats about it
cheers andy :mixed:
cheers andy :mixed: