? about alk with soft corals

timi hendrix

New member
Does Alk play a big roll in a soft coral tank. My alk is about 7. I have mushrooms, xenia, leathers, buttons . Although my mushrooms are not looking too good. leathers and xenia are blasting off. Buttons are doing ok. Thanks
I have an all softie tank here and I keep my alk between 7-8...works for me ...I dont think softies need to much alk….zoas maybe more but I got them to and there growing like mad….
Does Alk play a big roll in a soft coral tank. My alk is about 7. I have mushrooms, xenia, leathers, buttons . Although my mushrooms are not looking too good. leathers and xenia are blasting off. Buttons are doing ok. Thanks

I understand that some softies don't need alk at all while others need it to produce spicules, which can give their stems some rigidity for example.

Coralline certainly need alk, & probably some other organisms you may have.

7 dHK is natural sea water value, so you can't go wrong there.