About the Flamboyant Cuttlefish

My LFS in St. Louis offered me a contact that woulda got me one for $350 about a month ago. Too bad I've never had a cuttlefish before or I woulda jumped on it but that's not a good choice for a first cephalopod.

I told him wanted a bandensis to try my hand at cephs but (ironically) that's the closest he's gotten so far.
bradleym- Bandensis huh? Have you looked into a mysid culture? Having something like that up and running would save you alot of headaches worrying(constantly) about bandensis food.
Well I have a small population in my sump, but I didn't want to set up a full blown culture until I knew I could find someone to eat them. :) Speaking of which though, if anyone knows a good step by step I could read to get me ready for the day a bandensis DOES come along that would be great.

This diagram has good specifics, and you can get the general idea. This can be scaled down to accomodate only a couple of bandensis if needed. Every five to seven days, empty the hatchling tray into one of ten grow out containers. At the end of eight or nine weeks, you have full grown mysids. Any surplus gets frozen for aquarium food. Search for mysid culture as there are several methods, however this one is one of the least labor intensive. Add new bloodlines to your breeder tanks when production decreases.
I have a run of eggs waiting to hatch. I can say just do your homework. they are not to bad to keep other then the food is expensive. I have the availability to go to the ocean local to me and collect pods out of tide pools that help. I also have access to crabs and ghost shrimp. They require great water quality and have to keep them well fed. Other then that you will be fine.
Crazylegs - thanks for the links! I'll start working on that pronto.

mx838 - that sounds awesome! I'd love to see some pics when they hatch, feeding, etc. And when I get my culture going if you could point out someone to help me out with my own batch that would be great!
@ Crazylegs

What do I feed them? In a setup like that I would have no extra organics being introduced for them to feed on. Currently they just eat what's floating around in my sump so I don't know how to intentionally feed them.
Baby Brine Shrimp. So a good culture practice of those is important as well. They would probably be just as happy on frozen BBS also. Baby is the important word though. Gotta have that yolk sack for optimum nutritional value. I personally would be interested to see how a mysid culture does on "golden pearls". It is supposed to be a good replacement for BBS as far as size and nutritional value. Much easier too.