About to start in-wall build


Hey all,
Long time reefer, short timer here in RC. I'm about to start building out an in-wall 150 (I know, a bit small for this group, but you guys know a lot about in-wall stuff.) I'm trying to pre-plan here a bit, as this is the first in-wall I've done.

The long story short is that I'll be building a wall around the tank, but not building out a fish room, so everything will still be under the stand. No way to do a fish room unfortunately as space is limited with the house.. but I'm a mile from the beach.. so.. trade-off's.

Is there anything that I need to have done to the painted drywall around the tank for moisture reasons? Should I replace all drywall with green board? Should I put in a moisture fan above the tank?

I know these are pretty basic questions, but I'm trying to get this done right the first time. :)

Thanks for the help
So you're building out a wall to enclose the tank to give an "œin wall" effect? All open water will be enclosed in the "œwall" box? I'm guessing yeah - you'll need at least a fan to keep humidity managed in there. But I'm no expert.