Absolute aiptasia infestation


New member
If it's not one thing its another.... dealing with a massive infestation. Added some peppermints that proceeded to go into my overflow, gonna pick up a pair of kleins butterfly perhaps.




When I had that problem I got an file fish, problem was gone in 2 days. Then he was rehired [emoji16]

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Hmm might get one.

My lfs had one for months and the day I went to buy it it was gone. I was waiting for a good cbb but every one he gets in wasn't eating so I passed.
The filefish always worked for me. I had a mates pair, and they destroyed all the aiptasia in a few weeks. Loved them.
My copper destroy's them. I can't find one in display. Quite a bit in my overflow and sump. A good cleaning could most likely resolve.

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My copper destroy's them. I can't find one in display. Quite a bit in my overflow and sump. A good cleaning could most likely resolve.

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But copper would destroy your live rock

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Every garden will have a few weeds, have to mange them and not let them get ahead of steam. Peppermint shrimp will take care of the small ones, and aptasia X for the rest. Filefish can go after your LPS, I have have one in my sump i’d give you but kind of a long drive.
berghia nudibranch are the best safe bet! they would be in heaven there! they have worked for me more than once. they are a bit pricey for what they are though.
I had two peppermint shrimp that took care of my problem. Unfortunately both shrimp ended up dying after having them about 18 months. Amazingly enough, the Aiptasia have started to return after being what looked like eradicated. I'm assuming it was a result of the ones in my overflow that allowed them to reseed the tank.
Good grief, that is some serious infestation. Personally, I did not like Aipstasia-X. It killed the aipstasia along with everything surrounding it including the cool stuff on the live rock.

Peppermint shrimp work, but it takes a few weeks for them to find a tasting for them.

The hot water in a syringe approach works as well, but again you have a serious infestation and not sure if I would have the patience to spend 5-10 minutes on each one of them.

In your extreme case, you are better off "hiring" a File Fish. I don't see another viable option at this point.
With Aipstasia-x it's more of a surgical strike, not carpet bombing. turn off all flow. stick the end in their mouth and and then will fill er up.
Absolute aiptasia infestation

I had about 30 in my 100 gallon. Got a file fish and 2 days later they were all gone (including my eagle eye zoas). Rehomed him a week later and found one aptasia. Used AptasiaX and never saw another again.

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Well my copperband hasn't shown any interest, ordered a ORA filefish and only seen it nip one... had about 10 peppermint shrimp, no idea if they are still alive I've seen 2 dead. Had 4 of them in my overflow which they are all the aiptasia in there but doubt they got back in he dt. And they are MIA.

Took out about 5 smaller rocks and soaked them in boiling water which is very effective but I don't want to crash my tank with a cycle and I have some I can't soak due to corals on them, sooo ordered 10 berghia nudi's.

What a damn nightmare this is!!