Acans and the Flame Angel


New member
I've got a flame angel and for a few weeks he wasn't touching the corals.

However, recently I've seen him nipping at my 4 acans--however, I don't see any damage to them yet. He has been ignoring the hammer coral and trumpet coral so far.

I have a few questions about this:

1. Might he not be nipping the corals, but eating something off of the corals?
2. If he only goes for the acans, should I try to a) remove the acans or b) cover the acans with something (like an acrylic cup or similar)?
3. In your experiences, do they only touch the acans, or might he go for the Hammer and trumpet, if he is truly eating the acans in the first place?

My coral beauty only goes for brains or acans. I cant keep those or it will peck them to death. I would remove one or the other if the damage is significant
I have a flame Angel and acans and hammer/trumpet corals and he never touches them but he is well fed. You never know with fish tho some will some don't![emoji848]

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I had a flame angel go after my acans once, and if I recall that was all I ever caught him nipping.

I tried to cover them but I was too late and they slowly died off
You would need to remove one or the other. Think about it this way: a cover over corals in a DT is a big eyesore.

Sent from my SM-J327T using Tapatalk back today, in 12 hours he practically murdered my biggest acan!

I guess I was warned :(

Now I have the corals in a breeder box, and will keep them there until I think of something. If im gonna be honest, I would probably rather have the fish than the acans. but I don't want to get rid of just the acans only to find out the angel goes after the other corals too, because in that case I would forgo the angel. Uh!
With any angel once they get the taste of coral, they typically won't stop. I've had flame angels that touch nothing and are model citizens, and I've had one that ate every coral it could find.

Angels are a crap shoot. I've heard flame back angels are the least likely to nip corals. So this time around I went for that angels, and so far he's a model citizen.