Acans at Coral Reef Farm


New member
I was at Coral Reef Farm today, getting water and saw some awesome assuie acans. Big pieces for like $200... I am talking like 25-30 heads atleast.
Just last night I was checking out some ebay auctions and some sites that sell acan frags, and Coral Reef Farms price is awesome compared to the other places.

Yes I know pics speak a thousand words but I don't carry a camera with me all the time. So what could I do...

But anyway if you are in the market for a nice sized, colorful acan colony I would definately check them out. If it weren't for Chrismas I would buy one just to frag. I could probably keep 1/2 the coral and make back most of my money from the frags of the other half.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nyvp
yes the do get some amazing pcs

why o why u guys had to post that info!

I see another trip to the LFS in my future.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11440498#post11440498 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Naw, Santa got me the PS3.
To me thats better!!!!

lol amazing.. we both got the same thing for x-mas. :P i was just allowed to open mine tonight early by my girlfriend :x :D 80gb to be exact :P
Cool I got the 60g....
With these games being so dam expensive, maybe we could
trade or loan each other games....:) wishful thinking.