Acans looking rough…help!

T Diddy

Happy to be here
I haven’t posted any updates on my system in a while…there’s been quite a lot going on. I’ve noticed that my acan lord mini colony was doing great until recently. It started out as three polyps, now there are probably seven new polyps budding out. I’ve noticed in the last week however, that it seems to be really struggling. The last time I did any water testing was uhhh, uhhhh, uhhh, well let’s just say it has been a while.

After testing for the first time in I can’t remember how long, my nitrates and phosphates are both undetectable. I’m not so sure that increased feeding will do it without causing other problems. How can I safely bring them up a little before the acans starve to death?? The skimmer will be turned off until I get this resolved, but any input is greatly appreciated.
I’ve never tried to increase PO4 so I’m not sure on that. But I do dose ESV Nitrate to maintain that.