Accidental Calcium Spike and high phosphate...


Active member
Over the last few day, my RBTA is all but dead, myopen brain began receding, and one of my SPSs started to bleach. Others haven't bleached yet but don't look great.

I ran all my tests and noticed my calcium was waaay high at 530ppm. Also, my phosphates were at .06 - much higher than normal for me. Everything else (Salinity, NO3, Mag, Alk) was perfectly in range.

I realized that I accidentally changed the timer on my dosing pump and it added too much calcium.

Could calcium at that level cause ill effects like that? Could it somehow cause higher phosphates?

It's also possible that the phosphates are the cause of the problems and completely unrelated to the calcium issue.

I recently began feeding a some Dr Gs herbivore coral reef banquet that someone gave me and I'm wondering if thats leached too many phosphates in????

If your Alk is good then excess calcium is okay. Better to let it slowly go back to the 400s though. Typically calcium has an inverse relationship with Alk. High calcium low Alk. My calcium is alway 480-520 to force sps growth, but that's me.
I've had calcium that high with no negative effects. Specially not that fast. Alk will cause issues pretty soon if it changes drastically.
Well, hadn't tested in a while but don't think Alk changed. I did reading twice. I know calc and alk vary depending on respective levels so its weird that it hadn't.

Unless of course my alk was too high and the calcium lowered it back to normal. That's possible.