Acro and flow


New member
I recently increased my flow on my sps side of my tank and 1 acro is not extending polyps and another is only extending on the opposite side of my power head. My power head ramps up over about 3 minutes and hits mostly on rock and the back glass. Everything else looks good color is good and chemistry is almost perfect. Has anyone experienced too much flow with acros
Acros can usually take a ton of flow..
Any change can cause corals to react differently for a while until they adapt/adjust to the changes..
Do you know what the flow rate is? What power-heads are you using?

I have 3 1050 gph power heads but only one is more direct towards my acro and monties my birds nest are also fairly close to the Acropora and have full extension. I may just move the power head back some to give it a broader flow
Not too much flow, but most definitely it is possible to have too much directional flow. If polyps don't open back up then maybe take the pump out and see what happens.