Acro Bleaching


Premium Member
So i have recently removed the teddy bear gorilla crab.
And now my acro seems to be bleaching from the right side. Is there anything I should do? I recently moved him up to higher lighting and more turbulent flow.

Tank specs:
24 gallon aquapod, ammonia trite 0, trate <5, CA 400, SG 1.024-1.025, Temp 80F flat, lighting 150 14k Sunpod, less than 9 inches from the light. not 100% directly under the bulb, a little to the side.

Here is a pic


bleaching side


any help would be very much appreciated. thank you SPS masters!
here's more information.
the acropora was already bleached in the base, but i thought this was from the gorilla teddy bear.
the acro was under a surge system from the lfs.
the acro gets moderate indirect flow in my tank, no powerheads pointed directly at it.
it was light acclimated (placed in mid level) for 1 week, then moved up to the top.
there are no tissues in the white areas, yes its history.

how should i frag it?
the bottom of all the stems are already white :( should i frag every stem??
Yes, if you want to save any of it... Frag as many possible healthy branches as you can. Frag it as frankysreef said..
ok i fragged it. (cut myself while at it, i forgot how sharp stony skeletons are)
i have fragged some with the bleached part, and some with only healthy parts. some are placed under direct light, some are placed in the bottom of the tank. hopefully i'll get to the bottom of this.
the LFS was kind enough to offer me a replacement acro :)
Tissue sloughs off with its bacteria flies around the tank lands on another acro....If the acro isn't 100% it has a chance to get the infection.
does anyone else think it might have been caused by those zoanthids? I recently lost an acro colony that fell and landed on my zoas. they seem pretty close
I personally have never lost an acro to zoanthids. I have had an acro kills palythoas and I have had zoas growing right next to the bases with no problems .

I have even had monti grow over the top of some zoas