Acro-Eating Commensal Crab?


Active member
Hi guys

I have a Digitata that came with a crab, but he looked like he wasn't damaging anything so I just left him alone. Not until last week when I introduced this colony.. he quickly abandoned the digitata and jumped into this one. I said cool, he's supposed to be an Acro crab not a Digitata crab anyways, so I let it go..

About two days ago I noticed that the tip of every branch of this colony has turned white and all torn up, with slime all over itself. Usually when you see white tips that's a sign of growing right? No.. these have torn tips. While I was looking, I saw this "commensal" crab put his huge claw on the tip, broke a piece and swallowed it!!! :eek2: I couldn't believe what I saw!!

I took him out and into the sump he went.

SO.... Are there commensal crabs that do this??

BTW, here's a pic of the colony.. notice the torn white tips

Yup, not all crabs that go into acros are safe.

Its usually the fuzzy blue eyed crabs which are the worse.