Tank mates

I would add a smaller clown fish. Same species as the one you have. Also add two or three more flasher wrasses. They will interact and show the best coloration for your enjoyment. You need to keep a tight lid on the tank. These wrasses are master jumper. They will intentionally go through the smallest of opening.
What species of flasher wrasse does not really mater. Female or male does not mater either. You will like these wrasse. They are pretty easy to take care off. The only thing is they don’t live great long time. 5 years or so is the norm if you get a young one. Shorter for mature terminal wrasse.
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im looking at getting a mc'cosker flasher wrasse to go with my carpenter flasher wrasse. Is there any other wrasse i should look at? My searches show me the exquisite fairy wrasse a lot and it shows melanarus wrasse