Acro Pack $420

Need to clear my frag racks so I'm selling everything on it as one pack. Not everything fit on one rack so I have 6 more frags, other than the once pictured scattered around for a total of 28pieces - $420


28 Acropora pack.
Vivid Confetti Acropora
Red Acropora
WWC Grizzly Adams Acropora
Red Dragon Acropora
Goldie Locks Acropora
Tanzanite Terror Acropora
Wonderland Acropora
Purple sexy Acropora
Shaggy Acropora( forgot the name)
Red Velvet Acropora
Green Slimer Acropora
Frog Skin Acropora
Red Planet Acropora
Matt V. Jellybean Acropora
Deep Blue Acropora
Oregon Tort Acropora
Vivid's purple Rain Acropora
SC Orange Passion Acropora
Phantom Acropora
Bonsai Acropora
Purple Polyp Acropora(forgot the name)
RR Vihn Acropora
Harley Quinn Acropora
Red Granulosa Acropora
ORA Pearlberry Acropora
RR Pink Cadillac Acropora
Hulk Millipora
Kum Pao Montipora
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