Acro Problem


Active member
I have a large acro colony that I've grown for around 4 years from a small 2" frag. In the last few weeks I've noticed some weird tissue sloughing on a few branch tips. They look kinda fuzzy for a week or so then look better only to look bad again a few days later.

Anyone know what could be causing this?

Temp 78.5-80, Sg 1.025, Ph 8.2, trates undetectable, Alk reads "normal" on cheapy test (new ones ordered), Ca and PO4 test ordered. Ca was around 450 last time I tested and Pho4 undetectable (running Phos ban). Tank has plenty of flow and nothing has changed.

Thank you all for your help. Please ask any questions if you need more info.



id say check your alk with a better kit like salifer and see how that test....

i ran into some bad salt i was using ocean pure pro and it tested fine with alk but was high in borate which can up your test results so my alk was really down around 5-6 dkh and lots of my corals had tips like that where they looked burnt and the tissue would be acting wierd like that i changed salt to TM and now everything has turned around 100% all acros have regrown and are growing great...

just my experience hope that helps
Thanks for your responses.

No sweepers are hitting these corals. I wish it was that easy of a solution.

I am suspecting Alk problems too. A new Salifert test kit is on the way.

Any other ideas?
