Acronics Peninsula


The Fifth Master

My name is Kevin, I have been reefing for 2 years now and I am very excited to show you all my new tank and share the adventure with you. My previous tank was a 75 gallon mixed reef. I have been through the ups and downs from successfull breeding to a crash. I am thankfull to have access to great forums that house some great minds and I look forward to learning more everyday.

So on to the tank

150 gallon tall 48x24x30 display
75 gallon refugium and 33 gallon sump
Lighting 48 inch 8x58 watt Tek T5 fan cooled with moon lights
Controller RKL3
Flow Reeflo Hammerhead closed loop an Vortech MP-40w
Skimmer SRO xp3000int cone
Dosing GHL 4 pump stand alone with BRS salts
TLF reactors for GAC GFO and NP pellets

Stocking so far

Bellus Angel
Regal tang
Royal Gramma
Yasha Haze Goby
Green Spotted Mandarin
2 Black and White Clowns

20 cortez hermits
70 Trochus snails
10 nassarius snails
7 Cerith snails
1 left handed hermit
2 sand sifting starfish
1 pistol shrimp

Hammer coral
Open brain coral
assorted Zooanthids
Tube anemone
Aussy Chalice

I lost all my SPS in a crash this past august in the 75 gallon as well as most of my snails and LPS corals. I also lost a maxima clam in the move that was3 inches when i bought him and grew 2 and a half inches in 8 months... I was so sad. Hopefully I am onto bigger and better things this time around.

Here is a pic of my old tank

And the new tank
sorry for the picture quality, all pics taken with my blackberry till the camera is unpacked...

Here is my pride and joy, the bellus angel

His Friend the regal tang, they are inseperable


my new tube anemone

The set up minus a few things till they get setup



So far everything is comming allong well. The corals are healing up after the stressfull move so thats a plus. Had a small flood... The ATO switch failed on! made a bit of a mess and lowered the SG to 1.023, not bad in the grand scheem. I got the actuall camera out and have some photos to post after work. Scored a cool chalice frag.