Acropora Aculeus (Bottle Brush)

The Bean

New member
Hi guys, my bottle brush is getting pale....I may be subjecting it to too much light as params are pretty spot on except high zinc which im on top of now for the past few other SPS are fine just this one is really pale...I'm running two Orphek V4's which are on 100 percent with clouding...Has anyone had problems with Aculeus and high is positioned 2/3's down in the tank! thanks in advance.
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What's wrong with it??? Looks beautiful! I dont think it's pale enough to warrant attention unless it has been in the tank for a long time and just suddenly changed.
Do you have a PAR meter? What is "high light?" I can have bottlebrush under 750+ PAR of MH and they thrive and look great. This might be a quality thing and not a PAR thing. Even 400 PAR of LED can harm some trickier SPS where they can thrive in more than twice that of sunlight, MH or T5.
Thanks not got a PAR meter as I felt it pointless buying one with LED's (correct me if you think i'm wrong) I am running Orphek v4's which were on 100 percent but with heavy clouds so a 5 minute break every 15mins (lower light setting) to be fair I dont think its the light more so flow OR the high zinc level I had which I hope is resolved as from last week.....I will turn the LED's down a tad and look at getting a PAR meter and see if that helps....thanks miles
Undectable PO4

Undectable PO4

It seems my po4 is struggle to show on the eleos HR test wonder the NO3 has climber to 5 from 1.... I have reduced the ammount of vinegar being dosed into the doser and cut back on the Aminos and liquid feed!
Reckon thats why it looks pale...lights havent changed in months.