acropora keeping


New member
I have some quick questions about keeping my green slimer. Right now its in a 37 gallon at the top with a 250w sunpod on it. Since light is only emitted from one place, there are some parts it does not shine on... does this matter? does light always have to reach the base? does light have to touch every part?

As always, thanks!
As the coral grows up and out the base of the coral will get less and less light. It does not mean it will die though. I have many colonies where the light does not get to the base very much but the coral is fine and healthy. If you are worried now then just try to position the coral a little better.

In the wild, the movement of the sun changes the angle of light, so more of the coral gets light. In a tank, this is hard to replicate, unless you want to invest in a light mover system. No matter what, the top of a coral colony is going to get the majority of the light, and the underside may get none at all. I can pull a happy, healthy acro colony out of my tank and turn it over and you would't believe the color difference. Colorful on top, tan on the underside. It's not a problem for the coral, though.