Looks like STN OR RTN. Slow tissue necrosis or rapid tissue necrosis. Typically it happens because something changed. Alk being the number one culprit. How do you maintain alkalinity?
Thanks for the replies! I've had it for about 6 months now it was doing very well until recently - the base of it was pretty bleached and the bleaching reversed over a period of couple months, and its colour has improved a lot - it was mostly brown when I first got it.
My tank is 16 months old, 250L Red Sea Max.
I usually test weekly and do a weekly top up of Ca, Mg and KH (using Continuum products) to Ca = 1440, KH = 11dKh and Mg = 1400. For about two months I was doing a daily dosage based on a tested weekly drop in KH of 4dKh, Ca of 40ppm and Mg of 20ppm. I've been pretty slack over the past three weeks because study has been hectic lately, and I've only topped up KH once and haven't tested since 05/05 until today.
My current levels are KH = 7.6dKh, Mg = 1280ppm, Ca = 380ppm, No3=4ppm, Po4=0.04ppm, Salinity = 1.026
anyway, if you're keeping sps you cant wait for the alkalinity to drop to 7 then correct it once a week back to 11 dkh. the range is 7-11 but you should pick a spot where you want the tank to be and keep it steady at that number......same for calcium and magnesium but to a lesser degree. your dosing should be MUCH MORE frequent with small amounts added so the parameters stay stable.
Okay thanks! So should I calculate a daily dose and then top up each parameter every day with like ten minutes in between or something? How can I do it manually?
daily dosing is better than once a week. If your alkalinity is not dropping much, you should be able to get away with once a day. I drip mine into the sump SLOWLY. I use a home-made device to drip supplements into the sump. you can buy a doser but I prefer to do it manually. I dose alkalinity 3 times a day and calcium and magnesium once a day. My alkalinity consumption is to great to dose only once a day.
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