acropora turning white?


New member
What is happening to my acropora? some branches are bleaching and the base too? what is the cause of this?

water par. is

sg 1.021
ph 8.0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ammonia 0

my temp is usually around 82 but its been a week its around 84, having probs keeping at 82 deg. my lighting is one 250 watts in the middle xm 10k and two vho 110 watt flo. the acro is in center 6 inches from water surface. metal halide bulb is about 6 inches from the surface. i just notice my corals bleached today but seem like its coming from the base, i estimate its been week. as for parasites, i dont see any parasites and i dont know what they look like. calcium and alk, i still have to check that. but i drip kalk in a 5 gallon bucket, also add some kent marine liquid calcium. Alk, not sure, still have to check that

I have this acropora coral for about 10 months, i move this coral very close to the metal halide 250 watts about 6 inches. i havent seen any polyps extension for maybe two months now. pls. help. what should i do. is this coral already dead and just the algae is left.
If you "bump" your own thread, others might think your question has been answered. If your question has gone unanswered for 24 hours, it would be reasonable to ask it again. Many RC users search for unanswered threads so as to be helpful, but a 'bump' message will show a reply, and your thread may be overlooked.<BR>
Hope this helps.


Why don't you just continue on the same old thread ?

I asked questions there, never answered .... it was still going last night, why the new thread?