Hello All,
I Have a 125 gallon with a 75 gallon sump that has been set up for about a year and a couple months. It has been stable for the last 6 months and growing coralline algae like crazy. Fish load is moderate.
A couple months ago, my system started looking really good, I have a green slimer, a blue/green tort of some kind, a myagi tort and a few other acros that I don't remember what their names are. Everything was coloring up and the two torts and slimer growth exploded for a couple months. I ordered some more acros thinking my system had finally settled in. A few weeks ago, corals started paling out. It started with the slimer, I noticed its dark vibrant green was slowly getting a brownish hue, and now is a very light brown. Polyps are still very green. Myagi tort is still purple and green and growing, but pretty pale. I have a pink lemonade that has good PE but is steadily paling, and a few others that a starting to lose some tissue.
What I believe to be the heart of the issue:
I discovered this weekend that my RO output TDS is 50 ppm (incoming is 550) when my freshly regenerated DI resin lasted for about 60 gallons of water. I'm not sure what caused it to go bad so fast, but I changed prefilters a few weeks ago (which I do about every 6 months). I did not mess with the RO itself. I put a fresh canister of resin in and am getting 0 TDS out of it (conductivity reads 0.17micro mhos), but its rapidly depleting. I have ordered a new 99% removal membrane from spectrapure, but it wont be here for a couple of weeks.
I did a large 45 gallon water change with paramaters matched a week ago with no improvement.
So now my question - even with 0 TDS out of DI, I know my RO is not functioning well. Do you believe this to be the cause? Any suggestions on fixes/improvement before the membrane gets here?
I am currently topping off with this water and am considering another large water change. Should I wait for new membrane, or do the water change as I am up-cycling any bad stuff i'm putting into the water via topoff.
Additional details below on other possible causes if you are interested>>>>
My alkalinity hasn't changed much. It has stayed between 7.0 - 8.0 (Hannah dkh crosschecked with salifert) for the last 6 months, and really steady day to day, with changes coming about over a couple weeks. I dropped it from 8 to low 7's because my system is very low nutrients. I have since started bringing it back up to around 8.
My first thought with the paling was low nutrients (always undetectable), and I started very slowly dosing some phosphate and nitrate with seachem flourish nitrogen and phosphorous products. I am maintaining about 0.3-1.0 nitrate (salifert), and 0.005 - 0.01 phosphate (Hannah ulr). I am also feeding more often. It is worth noting that when my tank started looking good, my nutrients were still undetectable, but I thought that maybe what little was there was being absorbed faster by the new growth. Apart from a small cyano outbreak, nothing has really changed except my corals continue to pale.
My bulbs are about 7-8 months old and I started replacing them (6 bulb 5 ft LET retro t5, with led supplementation) a few weeks ago as part of maybe the issue. I am changing 1 every 4-5 days - 2 more to go.
I Have a 125 gallon with a 75 gallon sump that has been set up for about a year and a couple months. It has been stable for the last 6 months and growing coralline algae like crazy. Fish load is moderate.
A couple months ago, my system started looking really good, I have a green slimer, a blue/green tort of some kind, a myagi tort and a few other acros that I don't remember what their names are. Everything was coloring up and the two torts and slimer growth exploded for a couple months. I ordered some more acros thinking my system had finally settled in. A few weeks ago, corals started paling out. It started with the slimer, I noticed its dark vibrant green was slowly getting a brownish hue, and now is a very light brown. Polyps are still very green. Myagi tort is still purple and green and growing, but pretty pale. I have a pink lemonade that has good PE but is steadily paling, and a few others that a starting to lose some tissue.
What I believe to be the heart of the issue:
I discovered this weekend that my RO output TDS is 50 ppm (incoming is 550) when my freshly regenerated DI resin lasted for about 60 gallons of water. I'm not sure what caused it to go bad so fast, but I changed prefilters a few weeks ago (which I do about every 6 months). I did not mess with the RO itself. I put a fresh canister of resin in and am getting 0 TDS out of it (conductivity reads 0.17micro mhos), but its rapidly depleting. I have ordered a new 99% removal membrane from spectrapure, but it wont be here for a couple of weeks.
I did a large 45 gallon water change with paramaters matched a week ago with no improvement.
So now my question - even with 0 TDS out of DI, I know my RO is not functioning well. Do you believe this to be the cause? Any suggestions on fixes/improvement before the membrane gets here?
I am currently topping off with this water and am considering another large water change. Should I wait for new membrane, or do the water change as I am up-cycling any bad stuff i'm putting into the water via topoff.
Additional details below on other possible causes if you are interested>>>>
My alkalinity hasn't changed much. It has stayed between 7.0 - 8.0 (Hannah dkh crosschecked with salifert) for the last 6 months, and really steady day to day, with changes coming about over a couple weeks. I dropped it from 8 to low 7's because my system is very low nutrients. I have since started bringing it back up to around 8.
My first thought with the paling was low nutrients (always undetectable), and I started very slowly dosing some phosphate and nitrate with seachem flourish nitrogen and phosphorous products. I am maintaining about 0.3-1.0 nitrate (salifert), and 0.005 - 0.01 phosphate (Hannah ulr). I am also feeding more often. It is worth noting that when my tank started looking good, my nutrients were still undetectable, but I thought that maybe what little was there was being absorbed faster by the new growth. Apart from a small cyano outbreak, nothing has really changed except my corals continue to pale.
My bulbs are about 7-8 months old and I started replacing them (6 bulb 5 ft LET retro t5, with led supplementation) a few weeks ago as part of maybe the issue. I am changing 1 every 4-5 days - 2 more to go.