Acrylic and MH lighting


New member
I have an 18 gal. acrylic... can I use MH lighting with it? I have been told that it will melt or warp the acrylic. I plan on useing a suspended set up that will put the lighting approx. 3-4 inches above the acrylic top. Can I do this?

I have a 75 Gal. Hex Acrylic. I have a 250W. MH about 1 and 1/2 " from the top. It is centered above the opening. Here i used a 1/8" thick piece of Lexan as a splash guard. I also have a fan blowing between the MH and the Lexan.
Then i cut a hole in the top of my wood canopy with a fan mounted on top of the MH blowning strait up threw the hole. This has worked for over 2 years.
Here's a pic.
