acrylic custom tank question


Active member
ok had an odd thought today and on using a sheet of plexi without any waste.
for a mangrove tank
thinking of 84"L x 24"W x 12"H
couple questions come to mind
how thick should the plexi be and center braces or 1/3 braces?
No less than 3/4 on ft bk you could go 5/8 or 1/2 but why its not that much more for the 3/4 ...5/8 or 1/2 on ends.....and 1/3 me your number and I could tell you a ball park figure on the material for you

I have almost an exact frag setup of this with the exception that it is only 7 in deep x 96 long x 24 wide...haven't decided if I'm going to sell it or set it up as a touch tank or something
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