Acrylic lids any tips or tricks

tom g

Wanting to build a acrylic lid with brs mesh
Anyone have any tips and tricks. Tools and such that made the job easier
Photos of the lids u built
Trying to fig out what tools I need planning on purchasing a compact router
Trying to fig what bits I would need for the router
Depends on what specifically you are doing to this acrylic..
Just cutting to size? Pockets/lips?

A pattern(template) bit works great if you plan on making a wood pattern to copy to the acrylic.. It can be used for recessed lips/pockets too..
Acrylic lid

Acrylic lid

I want to make a lid with a mesh insert similar to aluminum one with the mesh from brs...I like the aesthetics of the acrylic way better...that's just me looks way cleaner ..


quickly skimmed thru will be doing some serious reading tonite hope I can ask some questions if needed .. thanks again

what router bit did u use for the spline ...
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Most of lid manufacturers use polycarbonate and not acrylic. Make sure to use appropriate router bits at least sharp because polycarbonate tends to grab. Or route small shavings at a time to be on the safe side.
As Dattack stated polycarbonate is usually used for this application. Acrylic will end up bowing over the because it will absorb more water on he side closer to the water.