Acrylic tank is warping on the top ? Is this normal


New member
So my 60g hexagon from Truvu has been running for maybe 2 weeks now ? Its an older acrylic tank, not sure of the exact age as the previous owner i guess neglected to ask the original owner how old it was. But he has had it since Feb 2016. He had it filled for like 6 months then moved into a small duplex and i guess they told him he cant have fish tanks so its been sitting for 2 years hense why he sold it.

Anyway, when i got it the top looked fairly straight. On the bottom however it seemed like the tank was warped. It had a gap to where i could put a penny under the front 2 points of the 6 pointed hex tank. I got layered plywood very expensive stuff and flat.. and some foam the more dense foam not the white stuff, some people say get white foam some say the pink/blue,green whatever thats harder. Which is what i got.. Its still has the gap in the front half of the tank. Even when filled it wouldnt bend down and i dont want it to warp back down anyway because itll just cause vertical crazing lines like stretch marks.

So i shimmed half the tank under the plywood and raised it enough to where the larger gaps have been filled and it touches the foam, i did this maybe a week ago. Anyway, i noticed today the top which on this tank is mostly covered with just a small cut out in the middle and a cut out for a HOB and heater in the back i guess its kinda normal for plexi tanks?>"which i hate " The top is warping UPWARDS in the front of the tank. Its the biggest part of the top which i can grab and wiggle up and down. Its a good sized warp too, i deff wouldnt be able to put a flat level on the top to see if the tank is level now lol unless i lay it on the edges. id say the bow is a good half inch bow upward. I know plexi/acrylic warps from heat/moisture as i have acrylic tops for glass tanks that would eventually warp down and id have to flip them over and they would straighten out then warp down again.. But this top is warping up. My lighting is a 4x 24w T5 fixture.. But its hanging about 8 inches above the top.

Any ideas.. ? Is this normal ? I never noticed this when i first set it up but now its been showing.. I think it might be normal it takes a week or two for my plexi/acrylic tops i made to show warping.. but i dunno..

The tank isnt very thick either. Its maybe a little thicker then 3/16th
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Mmm ok guess ill keep an eye on it.. Just seems weird you know lol I know tops ive made as i said warp but its different seeing it an acrylic tank.. since im used to glass