activated carbon


Do you guys carry Marineland Black Diamond granular activated carbon? I couldn't find it on your website.

Hi Bob,

Sorry, we do not carry that brand. Our best brand is Chem Gon, then after that i would say Kent Carbon or TLF carbon.

Can you confirm if Kent Reef Carbon leeches P04? I've come across a couple posts where people report that it does...
They claim it doesn't leeche anything back into the water, but how you can prove that is another story?

We haven't had any problems with Kent, but we mainly use Chem-Gon.

I believe the way other's have tested is by putting the carbon in RO/DI water that had previously tested 0 for P04 and then re-tested afterwards. Not the most scientific method, but shouldn't that be good enough to show if there were P04 existent?
That could rule out of the product has PO4 in it, but wouldn't rule out whether it absorbs PO4 and later can't hold on and lets go back into the water. I'm wondering if that is what they mean.