Adding a Six-Line Wrasse?

I had a 6-line wrasse ..... once.

Never again.

His name was not repeatable on this forum - and he earned it.

I also has an ocellarius clown.... once. I will NEVER have another clown fish in ANY tank. They're part of the damsel family and they are JERKS.

I'll take your word for the wrasse, but I have to disagree with you about all clownfish being jerks. I have two and they are as mellow as can be. My female only chases fish after they pick on her or the little one. I haven't seen her attack or nip another fish ever. She even ignores the damsel. It really depends on personality. But if they grow up alone, they are more likely to be hostile to tank mates. I only buy my fish when they are babies so they can be socialized with my fish from a young age. It's kinda like how dogs are I guess. If they don't have any dog friends, they are mean to other dogs. But personality plays a big role too, as well as tank size, what the clown's tank mates are and how much food they have. Thanks!
I always thought the Sir Lanca wrasse was a good choice for a mixed reef. Mine is very active and has been a model citizen