Adding additives ??


New member
Is there any reason why I can't add my additives, iodine, calcium, etc to my top of water when I make it? Then when I add the water to the tank the additives will be added as well.
Second: do the additives weaken over time in the top off?
Calcium and alkalinity can not mixed in the top off water, they will precipitate. The others may be ok, I guess it just depends on specifically what you're wanting to add.
Calcium and alkalinity are both added via limewater if you use that for top off. As far as I know that's the only way to add them both at the same time with the top off water. Then your other additives could probably be mixed in with that.
Depending on what you are adding and the concentrations of it can cause some items to percipitate out. I would not recommend doing that especially in a Nano.

I add nothing to my top off water but Kalk solution and add all additives seperately.

I would not add a two part Calc/Alk with any other solutions untill they had time to thoroughly mix in the tank. Some of the additives will tell you this on the instructions. I would also be careful in adding iodine, other than sparringly!!!

Randy Holmes Farley has some great articles in the RK archives on this type of "stuff".

You might throw this question out on the Chemistry forum here on RC, I am sure you would get more knowledgeable information on that forum. (at least than what I can give you)