adding new sand


New member
so i have a bag of sand and i wanna add it to my current that possible...i dont have to much in my tank and id really like to add more and i have maybe 10ish lbs? im not sure but its gotta a bunch of crushed up seashells i wanna try and get it so i have pure sand but the bag is just taking up space and id really like to add it...can i do it? ne hints?
I'd just be sure to not cover more than say 25% of your current sand at a time. That way the bacteria/benenficial organisms can establish themselves on the new sand gradually. If you just covered all your existing sand, you'd have issues.
so whats the best way to add it though...could i take my python apart and pour it in the tube part and stick the big part into the water and let the sand funnel down through? would that work...if u can understand that lol
Might work, I'd just add a solo cup or two at a time, and just lower it to the bottom before you dump it.
I'd rinse the sand if possible a bit. There will probably be a bit of dust from shipping and such. What Jocephus said sounds good. Just a little bit at a time.

sure, just add some, and i like to stir it up a little. so that a layer of dead sand isnt covering the live surface. it brings some of the stuff up and seeds the new stuff.