Live sand from the gulf


Has anyone used the live sand from the Gulf of Mexico long term?

I set up a 40 gallon cube using rock and sand from Gulf Live Rock a few weeks back. The only concern is the sand. All the companies that sell Florida aqua cultured rock have live sand that looks like crushed coral, and crushed coral is usually not recommended.
I know of a lot of people who have had great success with reefs using Tampa Bay Saltwater’s live sand.
Also, IMO, as long as you vacuum 1/4 or less of the sand each water change, it helps eliminate organic buildup in the sand.
I think that’s just the sand origin. They’re likely collecting around the base of their reef sites instead of middle of open water. During my snorkeling experiences, I’ve found the sand to me much coarser, almost crush coral like around the rocky areas instead of say Virginia Beach which is mostly finer sand except the rocky/shell area along the shore where the waves crash and all the shells and heavier what not settle.
Thanks, everyone. Still don't like the look of the live sand. One good thing is that no slime algae has grown on it - There's too much already on the sand (and rock) to leave any empty space for problems. With this rock and sand, as long as your boxes weren't left out in the heat, you could have an instant reef tank.