Adjusting Nano Wavebox for 120g 2x2x4

S Helinski

Active member
Hi Everyone,

I recently acquired a 6206 Tunze Nano Wavebox for my tank.

It is a AGA 120g Mega Flow Tank. 4' x 2' x 2'.

I have been attempting to adjust the 6091 Wave Controller for over 3 hours to find the resonance frequency with no luck.

I have been doing this with all other aquarium pumps off so the tank is motionless without the Nano Wavebox.

I believe I have found the proper setting for a "double wave," where the greatest water height fluctuation occurs in the very center of the aquarium. This was at the "12 O'Clock" adjustment position on the 6091 Wave Controller.

I am requesting help to find an approximate setting position on the 6091 Wave Controller. To those who have 4' long tanks, where is your setting located?

My Wave Controller ranges from about "10 O'Clock to 7 O'Clock."

I am currently using it on the full voltage (24v) setting.

Any help with an approximate range would be greatly appreciated!!!!


While I admit that I dont know exactly off the top of my head where to put it I am going to guess it is somewhere in the 1-2oclock area. The one thing I will say that many people do not realize is the knob is extremely sensitive, more than they think. It needs to be moved in tiny increments, really if you can see the knob move, you have moved it too far at once almost. Start at 11 or 12 and just start working clockwise. It will take time but by using the smallest movements, and giving it at least 30 sec or better yet a minute between movements you will have the best luck
My tank is about the same size. My Nano Wavebox is on the far left wall, middle of the side, facing across the length of the tank. My setting on the back of the controller is 24v.

My sweet spot is at about 5-6 increments from what you call 10 o'clock.

I suggest: Start YOUR thumbwheel all the way to the left. Make single increment adjustments.

Go ahead and keep making adjustments until you overshoot the sweet spot and then just back off to find the sweet spot again.

Maybe your other flow is getting in the way of recognizing the resonance? Maybe turn off any other powerheads or returns till you can find it?

FYI, I also found a resonance placing the wavemaker on the back wall, just in from the left corner, pointing to the face of the tank (only 18" away in my case.) Roger suggested that position. It took me a while to recognize that the pump isn't really pushing water to create the wave, just pumping a little water on and off in a pattern to get a rocking motion going.

Another suggestion. When looking for the best resonance, don't just look at the change in the level at the top of the water. I look at the soft corals at the bottom of my tank to find my sweet spot.