New to the Forum and gotta say this is a great community with great information; thank you for your contributions!
Apologies in advanced if this is long winded; I'll try and keep it short but provide the pertinent details.
I need to buy a new house and move in the near future. However I need to do something ASAP about my 55 gallon 1/2 dead reef tank in my living room. Currently I have a beautiful Blue Hippo Tang and Clownfish that have proven to be the survivors of my tank fallout (long story- i'll spare you) along with my live rock and sandbed (these are the object of my question). The system has slowly deteriorated due to equipment failure: currently I have only one light working on a 4-bulbed compact florescent hood and my filtration is only live rock with a 4" sandbed of mostly crushed coral and a little live sand on top of an undergravel filter w/ 2 powerheads. It has been at this status (filter/light-wise) for over 3-4 years; the tank itself was started 12 years ago and has never been taken down.
I have a 90 gal wave-front tank that has been setting in storage for a couple years that I picked up from a friend in a move. Apparently it was used for chic-lids and had brackish water- said there was an oscar in it when they tore it down but I ended up getting a good 50-75 lbs of dead coral/white dry live-rock along with the tank. Some of that rock was in the tank and has a little green algea on it and the rest was white/dry in a box. That rock combined with the liverock from my current 55gal tank would be enough for a reef in the 90 gallon. I would like to set up the 90 gallon in my new home once the time arrives (this could be 4-6 months from now). I would like to use the rock and sand bed in the new tank to help cycle the new system and the dead rock I have in storage (i have some questions about that I will get to in a min once I give some more details).
My 55 gallon tank is over 11-12 years old and has seen a plethora of livestock including various soft corals and polyps, a couple anemones, cleaner crews, etc. To my eye, other than the rock, sand bed, and 2 fish- nothing is alive/survived. My fish appear extremely healthy and have thrived in this tank for over 6-7 years; however, I occasionally see a spot of ich on the tang every now and then. My local fish store will take my fish; but on to the important stuff:
The live rock currently in my tank: *
This is my biggest area of concern- after so many year and being exposed to such a variety of life I have to believe if I currently take my live rock and put it under lights I would see all kinds of live reemerge. There are small amounts of red and green algae on the rock (along with sponges and everything else)- what is the best way to salvage the rock? I dont want to just let it die- it would be great to seed the white rock i have in storage- but we are talking months down the road. If I put it in a big rubbermade tub with saltwater/ pump/ heater but without light wont it die off and cycle? Or is it better to just put it in a box/ cut my losses and reseed all of it when time comes for the new tank?
The sand bed currently in my tank:*
Is primarily crushed arganite (the white crushed coral type) mixed with live sand on top of an undergravel filter. From what I read; all I need to save is a few coffee cans of it and use to reseed a new substrate (in the new tank). If I scoop some out with some water will it keep for a long time or will it die if not heated/lighted/water conditioned? Is it worth keeping more to all of the current substrate?
My 55 gallon tank once it is fishless:*
With the occasional appearance of Ich on my Tang I have to believe that there is a small amount of parasite in my tank. I believe if it goes without fish for two weeks most of them would die. In addition to Ich I am sure there are LOTS of worms and other little critters that are thriving in my live rock- what is the best way to ensure unwanted critters dont make it into my new tank?
The dead/white live rock from the new 90 gallon tank:*
Being that some or all of this has been exposed to another setup, I am assuming that I should treat this before entering it into the new system and seeding it with my current live rock (if that is possible). Is the best way to rid this of foreign toxins and/or other bad stuff to soak it in freshwater for a while and then cure it? Should I cycle it with my current live rock that I have in my 55 tank or what?
Basically I am looking for the cheapest and most time efficient way to transplant what I have into a future tank and not real sure how to go about it and if my efforts to salvage my old ecosystem are in vain. Should I just drain it all off, store it dry and restart when the time comes? Or is there a way I can store some of this in order to kick start my new tank and save some of this? As I said above this old 55 gallon system saw a ton of life and it would be a shame to loose all the variety. Your thoughts and advice are most appreciated! Thank you for your time!
Apologies in advanced if this is long winded; I'll try and keep it short but provide the pertinent details.
I need to buy a new house and move in the near future. However I need to do something ASAP about my 55 gallon 1/2 dead reef tank in my living room. Currently I have a beautiful Blue Hippo Tang and Clownfish that have proven to be the survivors of my tank fallout (long story- i'll spare you) along with my live rock and sandbed (these are the object of my question). The system has slowly deteriorated due to equipment failure: currently I have only one light working on a 4-bulbed compact florescent hood and my filtration is only live rock with a 4" sandbed of mostly crushed coral and a little live sand on top of an undergravel filter w/ 2 powerheads. It has been at this status (filter/light-wise) for over 3-4 years; the tank itself was started 12 years ago and has never been taken down.
I have a 90 gal wave-front tank that has been setting in storage for a couple years that I picked up from a friend in a move. Apparently it was used for chic-lids and had brackish water- said there was an oscar in it when they tore it down but I ended up getting a good 50-75 lbs of dead coral/white dry live-rock along with the tank. Some of that rock was in the tank and has a little green algea on it and the rest was white/dry in a box. That rock combined with the liverock from my current 55gal tank would be enough for a reef in the 90 gallon. I would like to set up the 90 gallon in my new home once the time arrives (this could be 4-6 months from now). I would like to use the rock and sand bed in the new tank to help cycle the new system and the dead rock I have in storage (i have some questions about that I will get to in a min once I give some more details).
My 55 gallon tank is over 11-12 years old and has seen a plethora of livestock including various soft corals and polyps, a couple anemones, cleaner crews, etc. To my eye, other than the rock, sand bed, and 2 fish- nothing is alive/survived. My fish appear extremely healthy and have thrived in this tank for over 6-7 years; however, I occasionally see a spot of ich on the tang every now and then. My local fish store will take my fish; but on to the important stuff:
The live rock currently in my tank: *
This is my biggest area of concern- after so many year and being exposed to such a variety of life I have to believe if I currently take my live rock and put it under lights I would see all kinds of live reemerge. There are small amounts of red and green algae on the rock (along with sponges and everything else)- what is the best way to salvage the rock? I dont want to just let it die- it would be great to seed the white rock i have in storage- but we are talking months down the road. If I put it in a big rubbermade tub with saltwater/ pump/ heater but without light wont it die off and cycle? Or is it better to just put it in a box/ cut my losses and reseed all of it when time comes for the new tank?
The sand bed currently in my tank:*
Is primarily crushed arganite (the white crushed coral type) mixed with live sand on top of an undergravel filter. From what I read; all I need to save is a few coffee cans of it and use to reseed a new substrate (in the new tank). If I scoop some out with some water will it keep for a long time or will it die if not heated/lighted/water conditioned? Is it worth keeping more to all of the current substrate?
My 55 gallon tank once it is fishless:*
With the occasional appearance of Ich on my Tang I have to believe that there is a small amount of parasite in my tank. I believe if it goes without fish for two weeks most of them would die. In addition to Ich I am sure there are LOTS of worms and other little critters that are thriving in my live rock- what is the best way to ensure unwanted critters dont make it into my new tank?
The dead/white live rock from the new 90 gallon tank:*
Being that some or all of this has been exposed to another setup, I am assuming that I should treat this before entering it into the new system and seeding it with my current live rock (if that is possible). Is the best way to rid this of foreign toxins and/or other bad stuff to soak it in freshwater for a while and then cure it? Should I cycle it with my current live rock that I have in my 55 tank or what?
Basically I am looking for the cheapest and most time efficient way to transplant what I have into a future tank and not real sure how to go about it and if my efforts to salvage my old ecosystem are in vain. Should I just drain it all off, store it dry and restart when the time comes? Or is there a way I can store some of this in order to kick start my new tank and save some of this? As I said above this old 55 gallon system saw a ton of life and it would be a shame to loose all the variety. Your thoughts and advice are most appreciated! Thank you for your time!