advice needed with anenome

There is a nice web site about anenomes with lots of info linked in the Anenome forum. I guess if you don't want it to split only feed it once or twice a week. Good luck.
A split may be inevitable, but lower feeding schedules will reduce the inevitablility. If you get it used to a low feeding cycle (I don't feed mine at all any more), you shouldn't have to worry too much. Another thing that triggers a cloning epidemic is water quality issues. I had something eat a hole in my RO membrane and flushed everything that had been stripped from the water for the first six months of the membrane life into my 'filtered' water. The tank looked worse and worse as I did more and more water changes. In that time, I went from two to 8, so they may clone due to stress, also.
I was going to feed every 3 days to get it good healthy and big but now I'm wondering if maybe only 1 or 2 a week. Oh well. I will live and learn. I just hope everything in my tank does too.