Hello guys,
I was hoping to get some advice on keeping my corals healthy. I have some ZOAs ...some are doing well and other are not. I have tried to move the ones that are not progressing to more light but that doesn't seem to help. I have some acropora and it is not doing well. It is dying. here are my parameters.
76 Degrees, Nitrate 25 ppm, Ph 7.8, Mg 1800 dkh, Alk 6.0 dkh, Calcium 470, Phosphate Trace to .25
I recognize that my Alkalinity is off and I am working to bring that into balance but most of these other parameters have been pretty steady.
Others stats, tank is about 2 years old and I do run a refugium with fuge lights on at night for about 8 hours.
Thank you
I was hoping to get some advice on keeping my corals healthy. I have some ZOAs ...some are doing well and other are not. I have tried to move the ones that are not progressing to more light but that doesn't seem to help. I have some acropora and it is not doing well. It is dying. here are my parameters.
76 Degrees, Nitrate 25 ppm, Ph 7.8, Mg 1800 dkh, Alk 6.0 dkh, Calcium 470, Phosphate Trace to .25
I recognize that my Alkalinity is off and I am working to bring that into balance but most of these other parameters have been pretty steady.
Others stats, tank is about 2 years old and I do run a refugium with fuge lights on at night for about 8 hours.
Thank you