advice on phosphate reduction


New member

I have just finished my new reef aquarium, 1150 liters(aprox. 300 us gal).
I will have mainly LPS, some SPS, and lots of fish. Of my previous experience(reef aquariums for 15 years), I know I will need some form of nitrate and phosphate reduction, and I need your advice for the most cost effective and easy way of accomplishing that in a tank as large as mine. Bio-pellets? Zeovit? Vodka?...
Also what do you think is the most easy and less time consuming way of adding calcium in my case? Reactor? kalkwasser? Balling?
Any help would be welcome
Thank you

I installed a reef Octopus bio pellet reactory on mine. Unfortunately the tank is only 60 days old and the bio pellet reactor is not in ation yet. Additionally I also installed a GFO reactor using phosphate media, and I have two a 100 gallon water change monthly since the initial set up, I am still fighting phosphate but it seems to be coming from the 300 pounds of rock in the tank.
yikes youve got a few things going on. In order to quickly reduce your phosphates you should add a reactor with Rowa phos and possibly drop in a bag of chemi pure elite. I would then setup another reactor running pellets. Preferably Eco-bak by warner marine. In the time it takes for the pellets to kick in you will have diminished levels of phos and ur pellets will do the rest. Follow the directions to se when it should be changed out. As far as calcium I would get a dosing pump and figure out what it takes to maintain your levels specific to you tank.
I am using a bio pellet reactor to control nitrates, and a reactor with Phosphate media to control my phosphates. So far so good
Good luck to you