Advice please


New member
Hey everyone. I lost my first zoa colony ever yesterday. :( I'm too hard on myself but I feel I need to ask opinions. I got a frag of these zoas at the SE-CFM last month and they were ok looking. They were a new frag and I paid only a little for them so I wanted to give them a try. There were roughly 10 small polyps on these guys. I acclimated them, dipped them and then placed them mid-level in my 55 gallon. They were in medium-high water flow and medium light. Half of the colony melted within a week of having them. There were two seperate colonies on this frag and one stayed healthy. Last week I noticed it started closing but then it would open. It added 4 polyps in a week and I came back from vacation last night and they were all closed and browning. I took them out of the tank and threw them away because I don't want any fungus or bacteria getting to my other zoas. They were slightly melted as well. All other colonies are doing wonderful. I have never seen these zoas in the trade so is it possible I just got an already sick colony or that these are just not meant for captivity? Here is a picture to help if anyone has a species ID. You can see how the back half of the colony was melted already. There was a small sponge growing in them that was irritating them so I removed the sponge from around the polyps.

It's difficult to say for sure. They could have been unhealthy to begin with.

I've had the same thing happen to me...a small colony die while others thrive. It can be very frustrating. Maybe next time don't throw them away but place them in a secluded area and watch them.

Oh, also I've had critters in my tank take notice to a new coral added and pick at them. Maybe something was after the sponge and in turn annoyed the polyps.

Happy reefing and don't get down on yourself too bad over this loss.

I feel your pain Mallory! I just had my first Zoas die as well. I ordered 5 frags online, and all made it except the MOST EXPENSIVE ONE! (I did get credit) After two days in the tank it just melted right away. I have chalked it up to an unhealthy frag, as I have about 20 other colonies/frags that are thriving and reproducing like rabbits!

I hope this remains an isolated incident for us both! Good luck!
Do you remember who you bought them from and where they may have originated? Seems to be an issue recently with Caribbean zoanthids, I'm not sure if they're coming from cooler waters or what but they're not adjusting well to people's tanks...