advises needed


Active member
Dear All,

It's time for me to find new toys again.

My DT measurement : 60 CM X 60 CM X 60 CM
Presently, I have : 1 MP 40 (located on the right end of DT) and 1 Jebao RW 25 (located on the left end of DT)

I feel my flows in the DT seems not good enough, I can see some dead spot down below of my live rocks have some Algae that let me feel the flow over there is not good enough.

I have seen one of my Friend here , he has 4 tunze pumps in his DT and his tank a bit larger than mine.

I wonder if I go adding power head, I want to select Tunze, is there anyone can advise me what model and if I can have a controller to let the flows totally cover all corners on the DT?


It sounds like the flow you have should be enough so I am wondering if possibly the rock structure or placement is the issue? For a lower flow coral set up I would lean to two 6040, for higher flow (SPS) I would go with 2 6095, 4 6040 could also be a good possibility. Probably the main thing you need is to be be able to change the flow pattern with a controller a few times a day.
advises needed

Thanks for your feedback , I want to show some picture of my tank and you can see the pumps I already have there and also some photos showing those dead spot and base of tank that I feel flow are slow to nothing as I got some algae or cyano or whatever on the tank base glasses ;

1) existing pump : RW 25 and MP40:




2) as tank measurement was 90 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, thus the lower portion seems to be less flow that cause some algae or cyano on the tanks base glass :





Hope you will advise where should I add those Tunze pumps series you series into my present jebao RW 25 and MP40 or how to improve my flow.

Cheers ,


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You might be better off getting a gyre xf130 or a Jebao crossflow cp-40. They are better at getting rid of dead spots.
The flow may not really be the issue, it is hard to judge from still pictures. I have seen cyano grow in high flow tanks, it looks like it is growing on the side where some sunlight is entering from a window and that would mirror what I have seen in the past, blocking the sunlight may be the best fix for the cyano. If I were to use our pumps, I would use 2 6095, they would give comparable flow to what you have now assuming they are both at full power. My experience has generally been that bare bottom tanks are harder to maintain, I would personally never do bare bottom again as so much small detritus gets consumed by sand bed inhabitants and it is much less work than meticulously vacuuming debris. You have a few large herbivores that tend to have very heavy poop, that from my experience will accumulate on the bottom even with extremely high flow. My last bare bottom tank was 120 by 60 by 60 cm and I had one fox face and used a 6305 and a wave box 6215, I still was constantly vacuuming big poop and rock debris. Lowering the pumps or changing the position should help with flow in the dead spots but the Mp40 is a bit limited because you cannot angle it and I think that is the main advantage you would gain from the 6095's.